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[Rozwiązany] Blokada gier (rozwiązany)

Ostatni Mohikanin

Liczba postów: 13.580
Post: #7

RE: Blokada

A wpisując "kontrola rodzicielska" też nic.
Coś kręcisz Zacieszacz

Cytat:With the advent of Windows Vista , a new feature called Windows Parental controls was introduced. This feature allows parents to supervise PC usage of their kids. It lets them decide the kind of access, be it for programs or games or websites, they want their kids to have.

This guide will cover all the aspects of Windows parental controls and how to set it up. It’s almost the same for Windows Vista and Windows 7, except for one or two changes which we would talk about.

This feature is available in most of the Windows Vista and Windows 7 versions. In Windows Vista it is available on Home basic, Home premium and Ultimate editions. You won’t find it on the Business edition.

In Windows 7 it is available in Windows 7 Starter, Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate versions.

[Obrazek: 2089620800_1406976151.png]

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12.04.2011 20:35

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Wątek zamknięty

Wiadomości w tym wątku
Blokada gier (rozwiązany) - laik78 - 12.04.2011, 19:31
RE: Blokada - Nasa - 12.04.2011, 19:33
RE: Blokada - laik78 - 12.04.2011, 19:52
RE: Blokada - Nasa - 12.04.2011, 20:02
RE: Blokada - thermalfake - 12.04.2011, 20:14
RE: Blokada - laik78 - 12.04.2011, 20:15
RE: Blokada - thermalfake - 12.04.2011 20:35
RE: Blokada - bodziulla - 12.04.2011, 22:54
RE: Blokada - laik78 - 13.04.2011, 13:50
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