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Liczba postów: 151
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Nostromo chce standardowo zaczynać tydzień od poniedziałku.
Tutaj niby zaczyna mi od pn, ale pokazuje na początku mies tajemniczy '0' [słownie: 'zerowy'] dzień 
A jak nie pokazywał '0' to z kolei miesiąc zaczynał się dzień wcześniej  [więc wybrałam mniejsze zło]
Windows 7 x64 Home Premium :)
(Pomogłam - Kliknij )
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Liczba postów: 5
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Chciałbym się dowiedzieć jak dokonać spolszczenia dni i miesięcy rainmeterze. Korzystam z tej skórki: http://white-baron.deviantart.com/art/Si...-162356914 udało mi się zmienić język w kilku elementach ale nie mogę znaleźć gdzie zapisane są nazwy dni i miesięcy a także zmiana zegarka 12 godzinnego na 24. Są to moje pierwsze kroki z tym programie więc proszę o wyrozumiałość
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 30.04.2010 14:49 przez Borin.)
30.04.2010 14:49
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Młodszy user systemu
Liczba postów: 75
RE: Mój Rainmeter
(30.04.2010 14:49)Borin napisał(a): Chciałbym się dowiedzieć jak dokonać spolszczenia dni i miesięcy rainmeterze. Korzystam z tej skórki: http://white-baron.deviantart.com/art/Si...-162356914 udało mi się zmienić język w kilku elementach ale nie mogę znaleźć gdzie zapisane są nazwy dni i miesięcy a także zmiana zegarka 12 godzinnego na 24. Są to moje pierwsze kroki z tym programie więc proszę o wyrozumiałość 
Podmień w pliku Time ini.
Format=on %a, the %d day of %b.
Substitute="on":"dziś","the":"i","day of":"dzień","01":"1szy","02":"2gi","03":"3ci","04":"4ty","05":"5ty","06":"6ty","07":"7my","08":"8my","09":"9ty","10":"10ty","11":"11ty","12":"12ty","13":"13ty","14":"14ty","15":"15ty","16":"16ty","17":"17ty","18":"18ty","19":"19ty","20":"20ty","21":"21szy","22":"22gi","23":"23ci","24":"24ty","25":"25ty","26":"26ty","27":"27my","28":"28my","29":"29ty","30":"30ty","31":"31szy","Jan":"Styczeń","Feb":"Luty.","Mar":"Marzec","Apr":"Kwietnia","May":"Maja","Jun":"Czerwca","Jul":"Lipieca","Aug":"Sierpnia","Sep":"Września","Oct":"Pazdziernika","Nov":"Listopada","Dec":"Grudnia","Mon":"Poniedziałek","Tue":"Wtorek","Wed":"Środa","Thu":"Czwartek","Fri":"Piątek","Sat":"Sobota","Sun":"Niedziela"
Zrestartuj skina i masz.
Borin zegarek jest 12 godzinny ,bo podaje godzine z dopiskiem pory dnia np.rano czy wieczorem.
Przykład mojego zegarka i pogody
Jeśli pomogłem to kliknij
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 30.04.2010 15:48 przez szyneczka.)
30.04.2010 15:20
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Liczba postów: 2.387
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Podziękowania od: |
Liczba postów: 2.387
RE: Mój Rainmeter
(30.04.2010 14:49)Borin napisał(a): zmiana zegarka 12 godzinnego na 24. Są to moje pierwsze kroki z tym programie więc proszę o wyrozumiałość 
W pliku Time ini zmień:
Format="%H: %M: %S"
;Format=%#I: %M %H
;Substitute=" 00":"............
Substitute="Sunday": "Niedziela","Monday": "Poniedziałek","Tuesday": "Wtorek","Wednesday": "Środa","Thursday": "Czwartek","Friday": "Piątek","Saturday": "Sobota"
dołóż wpis
FontColor=#Colour#, 230
przy czym
odpowiadają za miejsce dnia tygodnia ( X- przesuwa w poziomie, Y-przesuwa w pionie, im wyższa cyfra tym dalej od punktu 0 (lewy górny róg pulpitu)
możesz zmienić wpis Prefx np. na taki:
Prefix="Aktualnie jest "
FontColor=#Colour#, 255
reszta potem...hej
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Młodszy user systemu
Liczba postów: 151
RE: Mój Rainmeter
(30.04.2010 20:00)Nostromo napisał(a): (30.04.2010 09:06)mlmFMpl napisał(a): Nostromo chce standardowo zaczynać tydzień od poniedziałku.
Tutaj niby zaczyna mi od pn, ale pokazuje na początku mies tajemniczy '0' [słownie: 'zerowy'] dzień 
A jak nie pokazywał '0' to z kolei miesiąc zaczynał się dzień wcześniej [więc wybrałam mniejsze zło]
Sprawdź ten wpis, być może on odpowiada za twój dzień "0" w kalendarzu (wszystkie z 000 i 00 ), w moim tydzień zaczyna się od niedzieli więc weź poprawkę, prawidłowo powinien wyglądać tak:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

u mnie tak wygląda...
; Class: Sidebar
; Special thanks to ~limpet for donating this skin to Enigma.
;Calendar for "Enigma" sidebar
;Block shape to fit 190px sidebar but only takes up 180px
;Inspired by HUD Vision and Enigma
;http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fe06s4ak(VS.71).aspx
;http: //www.geocities.com/sohaelbabwani/algorithm.html
;I tried to be helpful in providing notes in what everything does.
;Not fully tested.
;Jan 2nd 09: v0.2 - fixed most bugs concerning when a date is displayed. 3rd wednesday still refuses to be highlighted. Also tweaked day alignment slightly.
Update=500 ;Update the calendar every .5 seconds
;Disable when done ;Set BackgroundMode=2 for solid light grey bg color
SolidColor=255, 255, 255, 25
MiddleMouseDownAction=!RainmeterActivateConfig #CURRENTCONFIG# Calendar-Week.ini
Name=Calendar | Month
Config=Enigma | Sidebar | Calendar
Description=This visual calendar skin displays dates and weekdays. | The "Week" variant shows only this week.
Tags=Time | Sidebar | Calendar
License=Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0
;Enigma Universal Variables
;Day of the week label text properties
DayLabel.text =Trebuchet MS
DayLabel.color =#Color1#
DayLabel.size =8
DayLabel.bg =255, 255, 255, 25
DayLabel.bg.w =16
DayLabel.bg.h =16
DayLabel.y =15
;Day text properties
DayText.color =#Color2#
DayText.text =Trebuchet MS
DayText.hilight =255, 255, 255, 75
DayText.size =10
DayText.align =right
DayText.style =normal
;Current day highlight properties
HL.height =2
HL.width =10
HL.color =128,192,255,128
;General text formatting
;Used mainly for day labels
sAlign =center
sStyle =normal
AA =1
;Spacing between each label
;Can also be used to change overall width. Manually adjust date alignments if done, though.
pxS =27
;Align weekday x
;Aligns the days vertically along each column that makes up the days of the week
pSu.x =18 ;Niedziela
pMo.x =43 ;Mondays
pTu.x =72 ;Tuesdays
pWe.x =99 ;Wednesdays
pTh.x =125 ;Thursdays
pFr.x =152 ;Fridays
pSa.x =178 ;Saturdays
;Align week y
;Aligns the days horizontally along each row
pW1.y =33
pW2.y =53
pW3.y =73
pW4.y =93
pW5.y =113
pW6.y =133
[cCentury] ;mod(century , 4) century assumed 20 for 2000. If this is ever used in the 2100s then change to 21. That's a big if.
Measure =calc
Formula =(21%4)
[mYear] ;Gets current year in ## format. ex: 08
Measure =time
Format =%y
[mMonth] ;Gets current month without leading zero. ex: 8
Measure =time
Format =%#m
[mDay] ;Gets current day without leading zero. ex 8
Measure =time
Format =%#d
[cLeapYear] ;Returns 1 if leap year or 0 if not
Measure =calc
Formula =((mYear%4 = 0) && (mYear%100 <> 0) || (mYear%400 = 0)) ? 1 : 0
[cMonthCode] ;Turns month "code" according to notes
Measure =calc
Formula =((mMonth = 3) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 3 : (((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 7)) ? 6 : ((mMonth = 5) ? 1 : ((mMonth = 6) ? 4 : ((mMonth = 8) ? 2 : (((mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 12)) ? 5 : ((mMonth = 10) ? 0 : ((cLeapYear = 1) ? ((mMonth = 1) ? 6 : 2) : ((mMonth = 1) ? 0 : 3))))))))
[cMonthStartDay] ;Determines which day of the week a month starts. Used in week one to turn off days not in the current month
Measure =calc
Formula =(FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)+cMonthCode+1-(2*cCentury))%7
[cMonthStart] ;Used to help determine day a month starts. If the day of the week is 0 or Saturday then return 7 (for day 7 in a traditional sense) otherwise return the other "coded" day of the week.
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStartDay = 0) ? 7 : cMonthStartDay
[mDayCount] ;Redundant use to determine total count of days in a month. Used to calculate when to stop displaying days in week 5 or 6. Credit to Jiri Mahel of HUD.Vision.
Measure =calc
Formula =((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 6) || (mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 30 : ((mMonth = 2) ? ((((mYear % 4) = 0) && ((mYear % 100) > 0)) ? 29 : (((mYear % 400) = 0) ? 29 : 28)) : 31)
[cDay00] ;Week 1 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in week 1
;r = a - n [a/n] where a%n
;Checks if day is less than month start if less than then hide
Measure =calc
Formula =(0-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((0-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)) = 0 ? 7 : (0-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((0-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7))
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay00) && (cMonthStart < 2) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL00
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL00
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 1) || (cMonthStart = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL00]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay00
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =1-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((1-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay01) && (cMonthStart < 3) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL01
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL01
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 2) || (cMonthStart = 2) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL01]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay01
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =2-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((2-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay02) && (cMonthStart < 4) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL02
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL02
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 3) || (cMonthStart = 3) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL02]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay02
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =3-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((3-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay03) && (cMonthStart < 5) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL03
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL03
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 4) || (cMonthStart = 4) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL03]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay03
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =4-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((4-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay04) && (cMonthStart < 6) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL04
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL04
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 5) || (cMonthStart = 5) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL04]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay04
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =5-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((5-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay05) && (cMonthStart < 7) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL05
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL05
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 6) || (cMonthStart = 6) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL05]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay05
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay05
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(6-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((6-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7))
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay06) && (cMonthStart < 8) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL06
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL06
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 7) || (cMonthStart = 7) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL06]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay06
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay06
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay10] ;Week 2 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in week 2
;Try simply adding 1 to Day06
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay06+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay10) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL10
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL10
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay10
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in week 2
;Try simply adding 1 to previous
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay10+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay11) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL11
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL11
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay11
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay11+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay12) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL12
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL12
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay12
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay12+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay13) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL13
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL13
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay13
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay13+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay14) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL14
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL14
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay14
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay14+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay15) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL15
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL15
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay15
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay15+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay16) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL16
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL16
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay16
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay20] ;Week 3 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in week 3
;Keep adding one
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay16 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay20) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL20
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL20
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay20
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay20 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay21) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL21
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL21
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay21
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay21 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay22) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL22
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL22
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay22
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay22 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay23) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL23
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL23
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay23
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay23 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay24) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL24
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL24
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay24
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay24 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay25) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL25
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL25
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay25
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay25 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay26) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL26
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL26
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay26
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay30] ;Week 4 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in Week 4
;Keep adding one
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay26 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay30) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL30
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL30
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay30
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay30 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay31) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL31
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL31
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay31
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay31 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay32) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL32
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL32
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay32
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay32 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay33) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL33
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL33
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay33
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay33 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay34) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL34
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL34
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay34
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay34 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay35) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL35
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL35
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay35
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay35 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay36) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL36
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL36
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay36
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay40] ;Week 5 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in Week 5
;28th likely to occur so test for 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay36 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay40) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL40
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL40
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay40 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay40
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay40
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay40
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay40 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay41) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL41
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL41
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay41 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay41
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay41
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay41
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay41 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay42) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL42
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL42
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay42 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay42
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay42
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay42
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay42 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay43) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL43
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL43
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay43 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay43
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay43
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay43
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay43 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay44) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL44
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL44
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay44 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay44
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay44
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay44
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay44 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay45) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL45
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL45
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay45 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay45
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay45
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay45
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay45 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay46) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL46
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL46
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay46 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay46
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay46
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay46
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay50] ;Week 6 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in Week 6
;28th likely to occur so test for 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay46 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay50) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL50
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL50
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay50 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay50
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay50
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay50
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay50 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay51) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL51
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL51
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay51 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay51
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay51
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay51
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay51 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay52) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL52
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL52
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay52 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay52
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay52
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay52
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay52 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay53) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL53
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL53
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay53 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay53
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay53
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay53
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay53 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay54) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL54
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL54
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay54 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay54
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay54
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay54
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay54 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay55) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL55
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL55
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay55 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay55
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay55
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay55
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay55 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay56) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL56
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL56
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay56 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay56
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay56
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay56
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[heightDummy] ;Used to keep other skins from snapping to the bottom of an unused week
Meter =image
X =0
Y =#pW6.y#
W =10
H =18
SolidColor =0,0,0,0
[lSun] ;Day Labels-------------------------------------------------
Meter =string
Text ="Pn"
X =7
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Wt"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Sr"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Czw"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Pt"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Sb"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Nd"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
;Day Label BG===============================================
Meter =image
X =0
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
- cały kalendarzyk
Windows 7 x64 Home Premium :)
(Pomogłam - Kliknij )
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Liczba postów: 2.387
RE: Mój Rainmeter
W [cDay00] Formula jest różnica, przyjrzyj się to wygląda tak jakbyś miała wpis nakazujący rozpoczęcie miesiąca od dnia - 0, podczas gdy tu jak widzisz jest - 1, przyblokuj twój wpis, wpisz mój i sprawdź czy to jest to
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Młodszy user systemu
Liczba postów: 151
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Jak poprawiam na 1 to przesuwa mi początek miesiąca na piątek... zaczynając od 0 [0 jest w piątek]
Windows 7 x64 Home Premium :)
(Pomogłam - Kliknij )
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 30.04.2010 23:23 przez mlmFMpl.)
30.04.2010 23:22
Podziękowania od: |
Liczba postów: 2.387
RE: Mój Rainmeter
(30.04.2010 08:42)szyneczka napisał(a): Pulpit z Rainmeterem, taki bardziej informacyjny i wieksze literki ( dla dziadka).
Elementy z Omnimo,pasek rocketdock.
Szacunek za spolszczenie, mógłbyś podrzucić jak konfigurowałeś paski informacyjne, z pewnością przyda się kolegom, hej
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Liczba postów: 5
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Mam jeszcze jeden problem. W skórce Pileus http://livinglightningrod.deviantart.com...-148290753 otwiera zamiast dysku E, napęd F. Wygląda to tak:
HDD1 - c:\
HDD2 - d:\
HDD3 - f:\
Podziękowania od: |
Liczba postów: 2.387
RE: Mój Rainmeter
W pliku ini dla dysku HDD3 "f"(F) zamień wszystkie wpisy na "e"(E), jeżeli kiedyś będziesz potrzebował kolejnego dysku z inną literą wystarczy skopiować i wstawić odpowiednią literę dysku, hej.
(30.04.2010 23:22)mlmFMpl napisał(a): Jak poprawiam na 1 to przesuwa mi początek miesiąca na piątek... zaczynając od 0 [0 jest w piątek]
Mood twojego pliku ini zawiera błąd, podałem ci wpisy dla niezmienionego z Enigmy, zainstaluję twój kalendarz i być może znajdę co to za licho, na razie...
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Liczba postów: 2.387
RE: Mój Rainmeter
(01.05.2010 22:43)Borin napisał(a): Mam jeszcze jeden problem. W skórce Pileus http://livinglightningrod.deviantart.com...-148290753 otwiera zamiast dysku E, napęd F. Wygląda to tak:
HDD1 - c:\
HDD2 - d:\
HDD3 - f:\
Dla HDD3-
zmień wszystkie wpisy w pliku ini z f (F) na e (E)
a twój kalendarz może wyglądać np. tak

to tylko kwestia wymyślenia odpowiednich wpisów i ustawień pozycji, hej
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Liczba postów: 2.387
RE: Mój Rainmeter
(30.04.2010 09:06)mlmFMpl napisał(a): Nostromo chce standardowo zaczynać tydzień od poniedziałku.
Tutaj niby zaczyna mi od pn, ale pokazuje na początku mies tajemniczy '0' [słownie: 'zerowy'] dzień 
A jak nie pokazywał '0' to z kolei miesiąc zaczynał się dzień wcześniej [więc wybrałam mniejsze zło]
Z tym wpisem jest problem, albo to błąd albo autor mooda wie o tym i świadomie nie postarał (nie potrafił) zrobić tego prawidłowo, doraźnie można to skorygować dla obecnego miesiąca - Maja to będzie przyblokowanie wpisów
;[cDay04] i
po tym "zabiegu" tydzień zaczyna się tak jak chcesz - od poniedziałku, miesiąc jest jak należy a "0" znika.
To rozwiązanie jest poprawką czysto estetyczną i być może w przyszłym miesiącu (i kolejnych) będzie trzeba wykonać podobne korekty, w każdym razie jest to jakieś rozwiązanie na już, na osłodę dodam ci moje poprawki poprawiające zwartość i estetykę tego kalendarza, chcesz to skorzystaj zmieniając odpowiednie wpisy

1.(na początku ini - poprawka)
;Day of the week label text properties
DayLabel.text =Trebuchet MS
DayLabel.color =#Color1#
DayLabel.size =8
DayLabel.bg =255, 255, 255, 25
DayLabel.bg.w =22
DayLabel.bg.h =16
DayLabel.y =15
2.(na początku ini - poprawka)
;Align week y
;Aligns the days horizontally along each row
pW1.y =33
pW2.y =49
pW3.y =65
pW4.y =81
pW5.y =97
pW6.y =113
3.(na końcu ini - poprawka)
Meter =image
X =-3
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
4.(na końcu ini - nowy wpis)
5.(na końcu ini - nowy wpis)
SolidColor=40, 40, 40, 40
Podziękowania od: |
Młodszy user systemu
Liczba postów: 151
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Możesz pokazać mi cały swój Calendar.ini?
U mnie po tych poprawkach niestety 0 się nie schowało
Tylko jak możesz to skopiuj zawartość Calendar.ini i wstaw w znacznik
[ code ]...[/ code ]
Windows 7 x64 Home Premium :)
(Pomogłam - Kliknij )
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 04.05.2010 21:21 przez mlmFMpl.)
04.05.2010 21:13
Podziękowania od: |
Liczba postów: 2.387
RE: Mój Rainmeter
(04.05.2010 21:13)mlmFMpl napisał(a): Możesz pokazać mi cały swój Calendar.ini?
U mnie po tych poprawkach niestety 0 się nie schowało 
Tylko jak możesz to skopiuj zawartość Calendar.ini i wstaw w znacznik
[ code ];-----------------------
; Class: Sidebar
; Special thanks to ~limpet for donating this skin to Enigma.
;Calendar for "Enigma" sidebar
;Block shape to fit 190px sidebar but only takes up 180px
;Inspired by HUD Vision and Enigma
;http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fe06s4ak(VS.71).aspx
;http: //www.geocities.com/sohaelbabwani/algorithm.html
;I tried to be helpful in providing notes in what everything does.
;Not fully tested.
;Jan 2nd 09: v0.2 - fixed most bugs concerning when a date is displayed. 3rd wednesday still refuses to be highlighted. Also tweaked day alignment slightly.
Update=500 ;Update the calendar every .5 seconds
;Disable when done ;Set BackgroundMode=2 for solid light grey bg color
SolidColor=255, 255, 255, 25
MiddleMouseDownAction=!RainmeterActivateConfig #CURRENTCONFIG# Calendar-Week.ini
Name=Calendar | Month
Config=Enigma | Sidebar | Calendar
Description=This visual calendar skin displays dates and weekdays. | The "Week" variant shows only this week.
Tags=Time | Sidebar | Calendar
License=Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0
;Enigma Universal Variables
;Day of the week label text properties
DayLabel.text =Trebuchet MS
DayLabel.color =#Color1#
DayLabel.size =8
DayLabel.bg =255, 255, 255, 25
DayLabel.bg.w =22
DayLabel.bg.h =16
DayLabel.y =15
;Day text properties
DayText.color =#Color2#
DayText.text =Trebuchet MS
DayText.hilight =255, 255, 255, 75
DayText.size =10
DayText.align =right
DayText.style =normal
;Current day highlight properties
HL.height =2
HL.width =10
HL.color =128,192,255,128
;General text formatting
;Used mainly for day labels
sAlign =center
sStyle =normal
AA =1
;Spacing between each label
;Can also be used to change overall width. Manually adjust date alignments if done, though.
pxS =27
;Align weekday x
;Aligns the days vertically along each column that makes up the days of the week
pSu.x =18 ;Niedziela
pMo.x =43 ;Mondays
pTu.x =72 ;Tuesdays
pWe.x =99 ;Wednesdays
pTh.x =125 ;Thursdays
pFr.x =152 ;Fridays
pSa.x =178 ;Saturdays
;Align week y
;Aligns the days horizontally along each row
pW1.y =33
pW2.y =49
pW3.y =65
pW4.y =81
pW5.y =97
pW6.y =113
[cCentury] ;mod(century , 4) century assumed 20 for 2000. If this is ever used in the 2100s then change to 21. That's a big if.
Measure =calc
Formula =(21%4)
[mYear] ;Gets current year in ## format. ex: 08
Measure =time
Format =%y
[mMonth] ;Gets current month without leading zero. ex: 8
Measure =time
Format =%#m
[mDay] ;Gets current day without leading zero. ex 8
Measure =time
Format =%#d
[cLeapYear] ;Returns 1 if leap year or 0 if not
Measure =calc
Formula =((mYear%4 = 0) && (mYear%100 <> 0) || (mYear%400 = 0)) ? 1 : 0
[cMonthCode] ;Turns month "code" according to notes
Measure =calc
Formula =((mMonth = 3) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 3 : (((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 7)) ? 6 : ((mMonth = 5) ? 1 : ((mMonth = 6) ? 4 : ((mMonth = 8) ? 2 : (((mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 12)) ? 5 : ((mMonth = 10) ? 0 : ((cLeapYear = 1) ? ((mMonth = 1) ? 6 : 2) : ((mMonth = 1) ? 0 : 3))))))))
[cMonthStartDay] ;Determines which day of the week a month starts. Used in week one to turn off days not in the current month
Measure =calc
Formula =(FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)+cMonthCode+1-(2*cCentury))%7
[cMonthStart] ;Used to help determine day a month starts. If the day of the week is 0 or Saturday then return 7 (for day 7 in a traditional sense) otherwise return the other "coded" day of the week.
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStartDay = 0) ? 7 : cMonthStartDay
[mDayCount] ;Redundant use to determine total count of days in a month. Used to calculate when to stop displaying days in week 5 or 6. Credit to Jiri Mahel of HUD.Vision.
Measure =calc
Formula =((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 6) || (mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 30 : ((mMonth = 2) ? ((((mYear % 4) = 0) && ((mYear % 100) > 0)) ? 29 : (((mYear % 400) = 0) ? 29 : 28)) : 31)
[cDay00] ;Week 1 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in week 1
;r = a - n [a/n] where a%n
;Checks if day is less than month start if less than then hide
Measure =calc
Formula =(0-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((0-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)) = 0 ? 7 : (0-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((0-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7))
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay00) && (cMonthStart < 2) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL00
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL00
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 1) || (cMonthStart = 1) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL00]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay00
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =1-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((1-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay01) && (cMonthStart < 3) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL01
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL01
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 2) || (cMonthStart = 2) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL01]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay01
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =2-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((2-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay02) && (cMonthStart < 4) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL02
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL02
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 3) || (cMonthStart = 3) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL02]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay02
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =3-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((3-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay03) && (cMonthStart < 5) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL03
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL03
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 4) || (cMonthStart = 4) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL03]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay03
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =4-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((4-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay04) && (cMonthStart < 6) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL04
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL04
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 5) || (cMonthStart = 5) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL04]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay04
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =5-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((5-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay05) && (cMonthStart < 7) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL05
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL05
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 6) || (cMonthStart = 6) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL05]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay05
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay05
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in week 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(6-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((6-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7))
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay06) && (cMonthStart < 8) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL06
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL06
Measure =calc
Formula =(cMonthStart < 7) || (cMonthStart = 7) ? 1 : -1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL06]
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay06
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay06
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW1.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay10] ;Week 2 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in week 2
;Try simply adding 1 to Day06
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay06+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay10) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL10
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL10
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay10
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in week 2
;Try simply adding 1 to previous
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay10+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay11) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL11
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL11
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay11
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay11+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay12) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL12
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL12
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay12
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay12+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay13) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL13
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL13
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay13
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay13+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay14) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL14
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL14
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay14
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay14+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay15) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL15
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL15
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay15
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in week 2
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay15+1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay16) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL16
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL16
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay16
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW2.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay20] ;Week 3 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in week 3
;Keep adding one
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay16 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay20) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL20
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL20
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay20
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay20 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay21) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL21
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL21
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay21
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay21 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay22) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL22
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL22
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay22
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay22 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay23) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL23
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL23
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay23
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay23 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay24) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL24
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL24
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay24
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay24 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay25) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL25
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL25
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay25
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in week 3
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay25 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay26) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL26
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL26
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay26
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW3.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay30] ;Week 4 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in Week 4
;Keep adding one
;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay26 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay30) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL30
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL30
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay30
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay30 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay31) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL31
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL31
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay31
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay31 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay32) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL32
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL32
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay32
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay32 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay33) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL33
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL33
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay33
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay33 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay34) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL34
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL34
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay34
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay34 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay35) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL35
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL35
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay35
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in Week 4
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay35 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay36) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL36
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL36
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay36
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW4.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay40] ;Week 5 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in Week 5
;28th likely to occur so test for 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay36 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay40) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL40
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL40
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay40 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay40
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay40
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay40
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay40 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay41) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL41
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL41
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay41 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay41
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay41
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay41
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay41 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay42) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL42
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL42
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay42 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay42
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay42
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay42
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay42 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay43) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL43
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL43
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay43 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay43
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay43
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay43
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay43 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay44) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL44
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL44
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay44 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay44
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay44
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay44
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay44 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay45) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL45
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL45
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay45 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay45
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay45
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay45
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in Week 5
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay45 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay46) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL46
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL46
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay46 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay46
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay46
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay46
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW5.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[cDay50] ;Week 6 Begin----------------------------------------------
;Sunday in Week 6
;28th likely to occur so test for 28th
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay46 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay50) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL50
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL50
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay50 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay50
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay50
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay50
X =#pSu.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Monday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay50 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay51) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL51
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL51
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay51 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay51
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay51
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay51
X =#pMo.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Tuesday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay51 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay52) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL52
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL52
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay52 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay52
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay52
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay52
X =#pTu.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Wednesday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay52 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay53) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL53
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL53
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay53 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay53
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay53
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay53
X =#pWe.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Thursday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay53 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay54) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL54
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL54
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay54 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay54
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay54
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay54
X =#pTh.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Friday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay54 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay55) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL55
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL55
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay55 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay55
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay55
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay55
X =#pFr.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
;Saturday in Week 6
Measure =calc
Formula =cDay55 + 1
Measure =calc
Formula =(mDay = cDay56) ? 1 : -1
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL56
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL56
Measure =calc
Formula =(cDay56 > mDayCount) ? -1 : 1
IfBelowValue =0
IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mDay56
IfAboveValue =0
IfAboveAction =!RainmeterShowMeter mDay56
Meter =string
MeasureName =cDay56
X =#pSa.x#
Y =#pW6.y#
FontColor =#DayText.color#
FontFace =#DayText.text#
FontSize =#DayText.size#
stringAlign =#DayText.align#
stringStyle =#DayText.style#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =image
X =-15r
Y =14r
H =#HL.height#
W =#HL.width#
SolidColor =#HL.color#
Hidden =1
[heightDummy] ;Used to keep other skins from snapping to the bottom of an unused week
Meter =image
X =0
Y =#pW6.y#
W =10
H =18
SolidColor =0,0,0,0
[lSun] ;Day Labels-------------------------------------------------
Meter =string
Text ="Pn"
X =7
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Wt"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Sr"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Czw"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Pt"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Sb"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
Meter =string
Text ="Nd"
X =#pxS#r
Y =#DayLabel.y#
FontColor =#DayLabel.color#
FontFace =#DayLabel.text#
FontSize =#DayLabel.size#
stringAlign =#sAlign#
stringStyle =#sStyle#
AntiAlias =#AA#
;Day Label BG===============================================
Meter =image
X =-3
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
Meter =image
X =#pxS#r
Y =13
W =#DayLabel.bg.w#
H =#DayLabel.bg.h#
SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg#
SolidColor=40, 40, 40, 40
H=130[/ code ]
Wstawiłem w twoje znaczniki... Przy tych ustawieniach wciąż działa, hej.
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Młodszy user systemu
Liczba postów: 151
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Jupi.... działa 
Druga sprawa jak ustawić żeby moduł był cały czas widoczny? [zegarek cyfrowy]
Jak ustawiam na "Topmost" lub "Stay Topmost" to mam go cały czas na wierzchu 
- nie wiem jaka jest różnica między tymi dwoma ustawieniami
Jak ustawię na "Normal" to pogoda mi go zasłania przy ładowaniu/przeładowaniu skina,
Jak z kolei ustawię pogodę na Bottom to chowa mi się pod zegarek analogowy [args] :>
Jak zegarek [args] ustawiam na "On Desktop" to ten chowa mi się pod pulpit  ...
Teraz mam zegarek analogowy na "Bottom", pogodę na "Normal" i zegarek cyfrowy na "Topmost" - i mnie lekko irytuje bo przeszkadza chociażby w przeglądaniu WWW  .
Windows 7 x64 Home Premium :)
(Pomogłam - Kliknij )
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 04.05.2010 23:41 przez mlmFMpl.)
04.05.2010 23:19
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Liczba postów: 2.387
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Możesz ten zegarek zamontować do pogody i zrobić jeden objekt a odpowiednio ustawiając kolejność wpisów dla poszczególnych elementów w pliku ini (widoczne mają być na końcu pliku) spowodujesz, że zawsze będzie na wierzchu nad pogodą. Tu masz przykład jednego z moich projektów zegarka - pogody dla forum, z warstwami ustawianymi w pliku ini właśnie w ten sposób.
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Wszystkie objekty Rainmeter u mnie zawsze na normal, hej
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Młodszy user systemu
Liczba postów: 151
RE: Mój Rainmeter
W sumie to okazało się łatwiejsze niż myślałam 
tylko zabawa z pozycjami
Ale z tym już można sobie poradzić,
nawet jak jest się takim laikiem jak ja
Windows 7 x64 Home Premium :)
(Pomogłam - Kliknij )
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Liczba postów: 7
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Siemka, orientuje sie ktos jak spolszczyc ten zegarek ?
nie widze nigdzie w kodzie dni tygodnia itd. wie ktos moze jak to zrobić?
Description=Clock for local date and time.
License=Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Credits=Originally designed by Alex Lareo. (iNote Tablet UI concept design)
FONTFACE="Trebuchet MS"
Author=Kenz0 (mail2kenz0@gmail.com)
Format=%H: %M
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Młodszy user systemu
Liczba postów: 151
RE: Mój Rainmeter
Substitute="Sunday": "Niedziela", "Monday": "Poniedziałek", "Tuesday": "Wtorek", "Wednesday": "Środa", "Thursday": "Czwartek", "Friday": "Piątek", "Saturday": "Sobota"
Substitute="January": "Styczeń", "February": "Luty", "March": "Marzec", "April": "Kwiecień", "May": "Maj", "June": "Czerwiec", "July": "Lipiec", "August": "Sierpień", "September": "Wrzesień", "October": "Październik", "November": "Listopad", "December": "Grudzień"
- Jak nie ma tłumaczeń to trzeba je sobie dopisać wpisując
Substitute="To co się wyświetla": "Co chcemy żeby się wyświetlało","kolejne tłumaczenie": "jeżeli potrzebne"
Windows 7 x64 Home Premium :)
(Pomogłam - Kliknij )
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 06.05.2010 13:37 przez mlmFMpl.)
06.05.2010 13:29
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