Windows 7 Gamer Edition |
Pablo Pagani Nowy
Liczba postów: 5
Post: #1
Windows 7 Gamer Edition
Chodzi mi o ta edycję to jest specjalna edycja która poprawia wydajność gier itp?
02.04.2011 19:43 |
Liczba postów: 610
Post: #2
RE: Windows 7 Gamer Edition
Gdzieś o tym wyczytał?! Wklej linka.
. 02.04.2011 19:48 |
Wajcheusz User systemu
Liczba postów: 211
Post: #3
RE: Windows 7 Gamer Edition
Znalazłem coś takiego:
Windows 7 modified for gamers on this new platform (64 bits). The system is optimized to support today's games, plus he removed a number of processes without unnecessary if it comes to games. The requirements needed at the foot of this post, keep in mind that it is for current games, where 2GB of RAM and a dual nuclear normal. Overview of the Features and Updates of Windows 7� Gamer Edition: * Specially Modded DirectX 11 for Extreme Gaming * Reduced Gaming crashes * New High quality icons * Resolved a Windows 7 Media Center issues * Supports all future updates and packages * Resolved some reliability compatibility issues in Windows 7 * More Stable and Reliable * UAC Disabled * Show extensions for known file types * Added User Account 2 on Control Panel * Low Memory consumption * Windows will tell you exactly what it is doing when it is shutting down or is booting * Added command prompt to right click context menu * Enabled addition Avalon effects * Disabled Tool Tips * Enabled Clear Type Tuning * Added 'Copy to Folder' , 'Move to Folder' , 'Open with Notepad' to right click context * Disabled Windows Media Player Auto Updates * Faster browsing with IE * DEP execution is set to Default * Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp * Enabled slow-motion window effects * Added "Advanced System Properties" in my Computer * Added Control Panel to my Computer * Disabled kernel paging * Winrar for extraction purpose. * Added Group policy and Registry editor to control panel * Turned off system beeps * Take Ownership, Device manager, Group policy, Registry Editor in the right click * Patched uxtheme files to use 3rd party themes. * Faster Shutdown ( 3 seconds services kill timeout.) * Fast Booting Time * Disabled automatic restart in the event of a blue screen * Tweaked up shell response * Hibernation is Disabled. * Added "Advanced System Properties" in my Computer * Added Control Panel to my Computer * Added Administrative Tools to my Computer * Added Network Connections to my Computer * Added Search to my Computer * Added Printers to my Computer * Added Run and Windows Flip Switcher to my Computer * Removed warning about showing hidden system folders * Maximum simultaneous downloads for IE to 20 ( default is 2 ) * New Explorer View * Allow renaming and removing of Recycle Bin * Makes a right click option for unknown files * Notepad saves window position * Enabled Word wrap in Notepad * Enabled Status Bar in all windows * NVIDIA Drivers Added * ATI Drivers Added * New Themes * 255 Sidebar Gadgets * Enabled search system folders in Search * System Files are boosted up to maximum Performance * Faster Application load Time * Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp * Windows Update service disabled * No critical components removed Automatically Installed 3rd Party Software *Winrar for extraction needs. Optional 3rd Party Software Multimedia *CCCP codec pack *Cole 2k Advanced codec pack *Vlc Media Player HD 1.0.3 Performance *Game Booster v.1.3 (Windows 7 Support) Applications *Messenger Live *Daemon Tools Lite v 4.35.5 *7-zip (x64 December 2009 Release) Web Browsers *Mozilla FireFox v 3.5.6 Minimum System Requirements For 64Bit: 2GB RAM (Recommended 3GB RAM or more) 20 GB of HDD space ( Recommended 40 GB ) 128 MB Graphics Memory (Capable to run Aero) 17? inch Monitor (1024 x 768) DVD-ROM or DVD-RAM Pixel Shader 2.0 Dual Core Processors with 64 Bit OS Capable Active Internet Connection (For Activation and Updates) Krótko zwięźle i na temat, system ma dodane trochę zbędnych elementów, ale nie jest to produkcja Micro tylko jakiegoś Usera, czyli 7 z dodatkami. Sony Vaio VPC-F13M1E i5 2,66| 4GB RAM | 500GB HDD | GPU nV GF GT 425M 1GB| FULLHD 16'4 | Bluray Zasadzić dom, Spłodzić drzewo, Wybudować syna ... Czy jakoś tak... Jeśli pomogłem, kliknij 02.04.2011 21:59 |
bodziulla VIP
Liczba postów: 2.364
Post: #4
RE: Windows 7 Gamer Edition
Popieram Stanaxa. Zobaczyłeś gdzieś na sieci system W7 Gamer Edition. W skrócie są to wersje z torrenta itp. Nie ma czegoś takiego w oryginale jak w temacie piszesz!!. Są to wersje zrobione przez kogoś (usunięcie usług i innych zbędnych rzeczy, które są instalowne z systemem). W praktyce możesz pobrać sobie program do modyfikacji systemu lub po prostu instalujesz system i wyłączasz usługi itp podobne temu rzeczy, których Ty nie będziesz używać na codzień. Na tym to polega. Czytając takie fora czy porady, że jest system W7 dla graczy tracisz czas. Pzdr Jeżeli uważasz, że pomogłem kliknij POMÓGŁ. Pzdr :)
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 02.04.2011 22:40 przez bodziulla.)
02.04.2011 22:39 |
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