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Win7 professional update - proszę o asystę

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Post: #1

Win7 professional update - proszę o asystę

Hej Wszystkim,

byłbym wdzięczny za pomoc ze sprawą nad którą głowię się jakiś czas. Po zainstalowaniu na netbooku asus 1201 nl win7 professional
z usb, nie mogę zainstalować updateów przez windows update. Z internetem łącze się przez wifi w domu. Internet działa prawidłowo.

Oto mniej więcej czego próbowałem: (+więcej ale wcześniej nie spisywałem)


KB976902 <- taki update mam defaultowo zainstalowany i nie moggłem go usunąć, więc przeszedłem przez kroki niżej i się udało w teorii go odinstalować, ale po resecie znów się pojawił na liście zainstalowanych? nie wiem czy to może blokować.






Skanowałem system antywirusem defenderem, firewall wyłaczony.

Oto najczęściej pojawiający się błąd w logu:

* WARNING:  Failed to filter search results, error = 0x8024000B
2015-05-02    22: 38: 19: 675    872    1e8    Agent    *********
2015-05-02    22: 38: 19: 675    872    1e8    Agent    ** END ** Agent:  Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2015-05-02    22: 38: 19: 675    872    1e8    Agent    *************
2015-05-02    22: 38: 20: 275    3400    8d0    COMAPI    >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI:  Search [ClientId = Windows Defender]
2015-05-02    22: 38: 20: 278    3400    8d0    COMAPI    - Updates found = 0
2015-05-02    22: 38: 20: 278    3400    8d0    COMAPI    - WARNING:  Exit code = 0x00000000, Result code = 0x8024001E

Oto większy fragment logu:

2015-05-03    11: 10: 52: 411    876    8e8    AU    ########### AU:  Uninitializing Automatic Updates ###########
2015-05-03    11: 10: 53: 191    876    110    Agent    * WARNING:  Exit code = 0x8024000B
2015-05-03    11: 10: 53: 191    876    110    Agent    *********
2015-05-03    11: 10: 53: 191    876    110    Agent    ** END ** Agent:  Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2015-05-03    11: 10: 53: 191    876    110    Agent    *************
2015-05-03    11: 10: 53: 191    876    110    Agent    WARNING:  WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x8024000b
2015-05-03    11: 10: 53: 300    876    8e8    Report    CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
2015-05-03    11: 10: 53: 565    876    8e8    Service    *********
2015-05-03    11: 10: 53: 565    876    8e8    Service    ** END ** Service:  Service exit [Exit code = 0x240001]
2015-05-03    11: 10: 53: 565    876    8e8    Service    *************
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 901    876    c80    Misc    =========== Logging initialized (build:  7.6.7600.320, tz:  +0200) ===========
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 917    876    c80    Misc    = Process:  C: \Windows\system32\svchost.exe
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 917    876    c80    Misc    = Module:  c: \windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 901    876    c80    Service    *************
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 917    876    c80    Service    ** START ** Service:  Service startup
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 917    876    c80    Service    *********
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 932    876    c80    Agent    * WU client version 7.6.7600.320
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 932    876    c80    Agent    * Base directory:  C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 932    876    c80    Agent    * Access type:  No proxy
2015-05-03    11: 12: 09: 932    876    c80    Agent    * Network state:  Connected
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 057    876    778    Report    CWERReporter: Init succeeded
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 057    876    778    Agent    *********** Agent:  Initializing Windows Update Agent ***********
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    Agent    * Prerequisite roots succeeded.
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    Agent    *********** Agent:  Initializing global settings cache ***********
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    Agent    * WSUS server:  <NULL>
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    Agent    * WSUS status server:  <NULL>
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    Agent    * Target group:  (Unassigned Computers)
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    Agent    * Windows Update access disabled:  No
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    DnldMgr    Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    AU    ########### AU:  Initializing Automatic Updates ###########
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    AU    # AU disabled through User preference
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    AU    Initializing featured updates
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 073    876    778    AU    Found 0 cached featured updates
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 541    876    c80    Report    *********** Report:  Initializing static reporting data ***********
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 541    876    c80    Report    * OS Version = 6.1.7601.1.0.65792
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 541    876    c80    Report    * OS Product Type = 0x00000030
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 572    876    c80    Report    * Computer Brand = ASUSTeK Computer INC.
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 572    876    c80    Report    * Computer Model = 1201NL
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 587    876    c80    Report    * Bios Revision = 0313
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 587    876    c80    Report    * Bios Name = BIOS Date:  07/29/10 15: 18: 17 Ver:  08.00.15
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 587    876    c80    Report    * Bios Release Date = 2010-07-29T00: 00: 00
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 587    876    c80    Report    * Locale ID = 1045
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 587    876    778    AU    Successfully wrote event for AU health state: 0
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 587    876    778    AU    Successfully wrote event for AU health state: 0
2015-05-03    11: 12: 10: 587    876    778    AU    AU finished delayed initialization
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 693    876    778    AU    Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 693    876    778    AU    Triggering Online detection (interactive)
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 693    876    c80    AU    #############
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 693    876    c80    AU    ## START ## AU:  Search for updates
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 693    876    c80    AU    #########
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    c80    AU    <<## SUBMITTED ## AU:  Search for updates [CallId = {831CDCAD-EE59-40DE-8565-DBFB6E16AC3D}]
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    cc0    Agent    *************
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    cc0    Agent    ** START ** Agent:  Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    cc0    Agent    *********
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    cc0    Agent    * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    cc0    Agent    * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    cc0    Agent    * ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    cc0    Agent    * Search Scope = {Machine}
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    cc0    Setup    Checking for agent SelfUpdate
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 709    876    cc0    Setup    Client version:  Core:  7.6.7600.320 Aux:  7.6.7600.320
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 725    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 896    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 12: 912    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMPEFEB.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 005    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 005    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\v6-win7sp1-wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 021    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 676    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\v6-win7sp1-wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 707    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 723    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 739    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 754    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMPF336.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 801    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 817    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 832    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 848    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMPF395.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 13: 895    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 659    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wuident.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 675    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 690    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\TMPF6E1.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 721    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 737    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wsus3setup.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 753    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 831    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wsus3setup.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 846    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 955    876    cc0    Setup    Determining whether a new setup handler needs to be downloaded
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 955    876    cc0    Setup    SelfUpdate handler is not found. It will be downloaded
2015-05-03    11: 12: 14: 955    876    cc0    Setup    Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.320"
2015-05-03    11: 12: 16: 001    876    cc0    Setup    Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.320" is already installed.
2015-05-03    11: 12: 16: 001    876    cc0    Setup    Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.320"
2015-05-03    11: 12: 16: 110    876    cc0    Setup    Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.320" is already installed.
2015-05-03    11: 12: 16: 110    876    cc0    Setup    Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.320"
2015-05-03    11: 12: 16: 281    876    cc0    Setup    Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.320" is already installed.
2015-05-03    11: 12: 16: 281    876    cc0    Setup    SelfUpdate check completed. SelfUpdate is NOT required.
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 172    876    c80    AU    Successfully wrote event for AU health state: 0
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 172    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 234    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 250    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMP2409.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 297    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 297    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\v6-win7sp1-wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 328    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 453    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\v6-win7sp1-wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 499    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 515    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 531    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 562    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMP2533.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 609    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 624    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 655    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 671    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMP25B0.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 733    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 733    876    cc0    PT    +++++++++++ PT:  Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
2015-05-03    11: 12: 26: 733    876    cc0    PT    + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL = https: //fe2.update.m...ice/client.asmx
2015-05-03    11: 12: 37: 647    876    cc0    Driver    Matched driver to device PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0876&SUBSYS_84021043&REV_B1
2015-05-03    11: 12: 37: 647    876    cc0    Driver    Status:  0x180200a, ProblemNumber:  00000000
2015-05-03    11: 16: 43: 820    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 16: 43: 839    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 16: 43: 849    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMP1251.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 16: 43: 881    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 16: 43: 885    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\v6-win7sp1-wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 16: 43: 904    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 052    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\v6-win7sp1-wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 085    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 091    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 110    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 120    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMP135B.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 150    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 156    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 175    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 185    876    cc0    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMP13AA.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 223    876    cc0    Misc    Microsoft signed:  NA
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 225    876    cc0    PT    +++++++++++ PT:  Synchronizing extended update info +++++++++++
2015-05-03    11: 16: 44: 225    876    cc0    PT    + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL = https: //fe2.update.m...ice/client.asmx
2015-05-03    11: 28: 27: 643    3340    d04    Misc    =========== Logging initialized (build:  7.6.7600.320, tz:  +0200) ===========
2015-05-03    11: 28: 27: 643    3340    d04    Misc    = Process:  C: \Windows\system32\wusa.exe
2015-05-03    11: 28: 27: 643    3340    d04    Misc    = Module:  C: \Windows\system32\wuapi.dll
2015-05-03    11: 28: 27: 641    3340    d04    COMAPI    ----------- COMAPI:  IUpdateServiceManager: AddScanPackageService -----------
2015-05-03    11: 28: 27: 644    3340    d04    COMAPI    - ServiceName = Windows Update Standalone Installer
2015-05-03    11: 28: 27: 644    3340    d04    COMAPI    - ScanFileLocation = C: \abde6d493d1dbe1605d160ae\wsusscan.cab
2015-05-03    11: 28: 27: 838    876    488    Misc    Validating signature for C: \Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ScanFile\9afdfa0b-91df-4089-8229-cbd4241f3e69\Source.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2015-05-03    11: 28: 33: 515    876    488    Misc    Microsoft signed:  Yes
2015-05-03    11: 28: 33: 575    876    488    DtaStor    Default service for AU is {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2015-05-03    11: 28: 33: 577    3340    d04    COMAPI    - Added scan package service, ServiceID = {9AFDFA0B-91DF-4089-8229-CBD4241F3E69} Third party service
2015-05-03    11: 28: 33: 579    3340    d04    COMAPI    -------------
2015-05-03    11: 28: 33: 579    3340    d04    COMAPI    -- START -- COMAPI:  Search [ClientId = wusa]
2015-05-03    11: 28: 33: 579    3340    d04    COMAPI    ---------
2015-05-03    11: 28: 33: 599    3340    d04    COMAPI    <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI:  Search [ClientId = wusa]
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(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 03.05.2015 11:29 przez igrzysk.)

03.05.2015 11:02

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Ostatni Mohikanin

Liczba postów: 13.580
Post: #2

RE: Win7 professional update - proszę o asystę

Proszę tylko opisać co się dokładnie dzieje z WU bez wklejania linków (notabene fatalnie to wygląda) czy publikowania niekompletnych logów.
To co proszę pozbierać z systemu zawarte jest tutaj
- plik dziennika zdarzeń systemowych c:\windows\system32\winevt\logs\system.evtx
- plik logu Windows Update c:\windows\windowsupdate.log
- zainstalować Narzędzie analizy gotowości aktualizacji systemu -> http://windows.microsoft.com/pl-pl/windo...iness-tool
- po instalacji powyższej łatki i jej automatycznym uruchomieniu przejść do folderu %windir%\logs\cbs\ i pozbierać wszystkie logi
- na sam koniec można pokusić się o pełny restart WU ze skryptu -> http://www.sevenforums.com/attachments/t...e_full.bat

[Obrazek: 2089620800_1406976151.png]

W zamian za pomoc oczekuję poprawnej pisowni. Stop niechlujstwu.
Jak mądrze zadawać pytania? - przejrzyj poradnik na forum.
Nie udzielam porad via PW.
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 03.05.2015 20:11 przez thermalfake.)

03.05.2015 20:11

Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika
Ostatni Mohikanin

Liczba postów: 13.580
Post: #3

RE: Win7 professional update - proszę o asystę

Do zamknięcia, autor wątku nie interesuje się problemem przez grubo miesiąc czasu.

[Obrazek: 2089620800_1406976151.png]

W zamian za pomoc oczekuję poprawnej pisowni. Stop niechlujstwu.
Jak mądrze zadawać pytania? - przejrzyj poradnik na forum.
Nie udzielam porad via PW.

19.06.2015 22:59

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