[Rozwiązany] Sterowniki AMD Radeon HD 6470M |
PrzemyslawOstr Wdrażany
Liczba postów: 28
Post: #1
Sterowniki AMD Radeon HD 6470M
Mam: Laptop: HP Pavilion G6 1050-ew Procesor: Intel Core i3 M380 2.53GHz Ram 4,00GB Karty Graficzne Hybrydowe: Intel HD Graphics i Radeon 6470M Kiedyś dawno temu sterowniki podawały mi iż jest to AMD Radeon HD 6470m, po aktualizacji zmieniło mi się w menedżerze urządzeń, że jest to 7400m series. No i o co chodzi ? Według Identyfikatora jest to 6470m. Co gorsza, po aktualizacji i wyświetlaniu identyfikatora 7400m, brakuje opcji korzystania z w/w kart graficznych, nie ma w ogóle opcji przełączania grafiki. Był taki temat, ale akurat problem z identyfikatorem nie został rozwiązany. Ps. Próbowałem zainstalować stary sterownik, oraz ten dostępny ze strony HP. Po zakończeniu wyświetliło mi tylko że zainstalowało Manager Catalyst. A w Menadżerze, brakuje identyfikacji karty graficznej (Żółty wykrzyknik). Ps2. Czysta instalacja Win7. Ps3. Testuję http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windo...72b?auth=1 Jeżeli będzie działać, bardzo proszę o oznaczenie tematu jako problem rozwiązany. Niestety, na liście nie ma sterownika 6470... jest 6570M oraz 6480. Ps4. Tutaj nie chodzi o to że sterownik jest identyfikowany jako 7400 series, ale to, że brakuje jakichkolwiek opcji odnośnie tego sterownika. Czy on w ogóle działa? Brak możliwości przełączania grafiki... Ps5. Dowiedziałem się że karta 6470 jest rebrandowana na 7400series... Teraz pytanie, jak uruchomić AMD Catalyst Control Center oraz przełączanie Grafiki? Rozwiązanie DEFINITYWNE PROBLEMU. Źródło A vast majority of AMD laptop users are facing difficulties in playing the game with the proper AMD discrete video card on their laptop: we are speaking of switchable graphics engine on laptops which mount dual graphics (Intel HD Graphics + AMD HD 4***/5***/6***/7***m). http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/forum/top...343?page=1 Laptops with switchable graphics engine were originally meant to be working in "FIXED MODE" or "DYNAMIC MODE", depending on your demands: Fixed Mode basically lets you choose one mode (Discrete/Integrated), depending on Power Mode options, and all of the applications are handled with the proper card. Dynamic Mode is smart because it can run different applications at the same time with different cards, according to your preferences in AMD Catalyst. Now: Fixed Mode is the older among the two technologies, and it is not supported anymore by AMD or other independent driver developers (Leshcat, mahmoudelfar, etc). If you run HotS on your laptop and it cannot detect the correct card (you can check the active card ID in the option panel in HotS) it's probably because your laptop is too old (< 2012) and it doesn't support Dynamic Mode: if you choose Dynamic Mode in the Bios settings and the laptop doesn't support it, it's like if you're always using the HD integrated card. What's worse is that if you updated your drivers up to a recent date (as most Blues suggest you when you post the DXDiag) those drivers don't support Fixed Mode anymore, which means you are somehow "trapped", because those recent drivers are made for working in Dynamic Mode, but your laptop was made to work in Fixed Mode. Edited by LorMus on 7/18/2015 1:05 AM PDT #1 7/17/2015 +2 Login to rate REPLY QUOTE LorMus Posts: 61 Guide and How To: 1) You should head to Leshcatlabs (he's a private, independent driver developer for AMD dual card laptops for some years) or to your manufacturer site and download the latest driver which is still supporting Fixed Mode. In the case of Leshcatlabs, the latest driver supporting Fixed Mode is Catalyst 14.4 WHQL UnifL v2.4. Link to download page: http://leshcatlabs.net/downloads_unfil/ 2) At this point, you should perform a clean install of the fresh downloaded drivers, which means you should uninstall the current graphics drivers before you install the ones you've just downloaded. Head to Device Manager, Video Cards and "uninstall" (not disable) the drivers for the Intel HD Card and AMD Card. After you clean the drivers, install the Leshcat or manufacturer drivers, both for AMD card and HD card (follow the instructions and it should be easy). 3) After the installation is succesful (it may require a couple of pc reboots, one for card), reboot the pc for the last time and go into BIOS settings (you should press ESC or F10 or something at the pc start to enter). Navigate in the BIOS settings, search for Dynamic/Fixed Mode and choose Fixed. This is a crucial step since by default your pc should be set to Dynamic Mode. 4) (Optional) In the case you have a BRIGHTNESS ISSUE of the screen (the screen is not bright as usual) after installing the Leshcat drivers, you can use the Leshcat UNIFL Brightness Resolver tool, which is present in the Catalyst 14.4 WHQL UnifL v2.4 installer. Open the installer again, go to Options, UBR v.7.4. At this point, you should see a DOS like window, where you have to input a couple of values for brightness. For me, it worked inserting custom values (press J), input F940 (enter) and again F940 (enter). Reboot & hope it works. If it doesn't, try with the preloaded values and reboot. This worked for me today after a couple of months of "random" driver updates. I personally did it with the Catalyst 14.4 WHQL UnifL v2.4, since my card is a HD6700m. I encourage you to browse the Leshcatlabs site for more info on the recommended drivers for your card, if you're in my previous situation. Either way, bear in mind that drivers newer than 14.4 WHQL UnifL v2.4 won't work in FIXED MODE; if the 14.4 WHQL UnifL v2.4 fails on your machine, then you should try and downgrade to a previous release, not to a more recent one. If your pc is more recent, it's likely it's working in Dynamic Mode, but the method I've explained above should be working the same way (downgrade drivers, change mode from Bios); nevertheless, up to now there isn't any evidence of Dynamic Mode working with the discrete GPU in HotS. This may become a problem in future, as drivers supporting fixed mode get old and Dynamic mode works fine for other applications. Good Luck everybody.
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 26.07.2016 17:00 przez PrzemyslawOstr.)
25.07.2016 20:41 |
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