
BSOD niemal codziennie

Liczba postów: 7
Post: #1

BSOD niemal codziennie


Od jakiegos czasu niemal codziennie mam problemy ze swoim laptopem (HP Pavilion dv8). Wiesza sie kilka razy dziennie, czesto tez pojawia sie BSOD. Sprawdzilem pamiec i okazalo sie, ze jedna z kosci szwankuje wiec wczoraj ja wymienilem i obecnie mam wlozona tylko 1 nowa kosc 4GB - stare na razie nie sa zalozone. Memtest po 5 testach nie pokazal zadnych bledow, a mimo to od rana znowu problemy - 2 razy blue screen. Ponizej wklejam zawartosc ostatniego mini dump'a - mam nadzieje, ze ktos bedzie w stanie mi pomoc.



Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.10.0003.233 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C: \Users\peter\Desktop\Minidump\012715-21808-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File:  Only registers and stack trace are available

Symbol search path is:  *** Invalid ***
* Symbol loading may be unreliable without a symbol search path.           *
* Use .symfix to have the debugger choose a symbol path.                   *
* After setting your symbol path, use .reload to refresh symbol locations. *
Executable search path is:  
* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *
*                                                                   *
* The Symbol Path can be set by:                                     *
*   using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable.                 *
*   using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *
*   using .sympath and .sympath+                                    *
Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING:  Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exe
*** ERROR:  Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ntoskrnl.exe
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (8 procs) Free x64
Product:  WinNt, suite:  TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal
Built by:  7601.18700.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.141211-1742
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`03054000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`03297890
Debug session time:  Tue Jan 27 10: 09: 15.628 2015 (GMT+1)
System Uptime:  0 days 0: 05: 35.814
* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *
*                                                                   *
* The Symbol Path can be set by:                                     *
*   using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable.                 *
*   using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *
*   using .sympath and .sympath+                                    *
Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING:  Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exe
*** ERROR:  Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ntoskrnl.exe
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
ERROR:  FindPlugIns 8007007b
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 7F, {8, 80050033, 6f8, fffff880049a3ab4}

Unable to load image \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING:  Unable to verify timestamp for dxgmms1.sys
*** ERROR:  Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for dxgmms1.sys
***** Kernel symbols are WRONG. Please fix symbols to do analysis.

***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_KPRCB                                     ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!KPRCB                                      ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_KPRCB                                     ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!KPRCB                                      ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_KPRCB                                     ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_KPRCB                                     ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_KPRCB                                     ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_KPRCB                                     ***
***                                                                   ***
* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *
*                                                                   *
* The Symbol Path can be set by:                                     *
*   using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable.                 *
*   using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *
*   using .sympath and .sympath+                                    *
* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *
*                                                                   *
* The Symbol Path can be set by:                                     *
*   using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable.                 *
*   using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *
*   using .sympath and .sympath+                                    *
Probably caused by :  dxgmms1.sys ( dxgmms1+3cab4 )

Followup:  MachineOwner

27.01.2015 10:56

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Wiadomości w tym wątku
BSOD niemal codziennie - piotr1 - 27.01.2015 10:56
RE: BSOD niemal codziennie - piotr1 - 27.01.2015, 11:15
RE: BSOD niemal codziennie - piotr1 - 27.01.2015, 11:22
RE: BSOD niemal codziennie - piotr1 - 27.01.2015, 11:40
RE: BSOD niemal codziennie - piotr1 - 27.01.2015, 12:14
RE: BSOD niemal codziennie - piotr1 - 28.01.2015, 11:00
RE: BSOD niemal codziennie - piotr1 - 29.01.2015, 11:27
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