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[W koszu] Zwraca reinstalacje

Liczba postów: 12
Post: #1

Zwraca reinstalacje

Z powodów błędów stwierdziłam ,że zainstaluje system nakładkowo , ale wyświtla komunikat :
"The following issues are preventing Windows from upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, complete each task, and then restart the upgrade to continue.

Your current version of Windows is more recent than the version you are trying to upgrade to. Windows cannot complete the upgrade.

Upgrading Windows will affect the following devices and/or programs:

These devices might not work properly after the upgrade. Before upgrading, we recommend updating the drivers for these devices. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel and search for "update device drivers", or go to the device manufacturer's website to search for updated drivers.
Kontrolery magazynu: AYOBHLPQ IDE Controller
These programs might not work properly after the upgrade. We recommend uninstalling these programs before upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel, and search for "uninstall a program". (Note: Programs marked as * can be safely reinstalled after the upgrade.)
ATI CATALYST Install Manager *
ATI Catalyst Control Center * "

O jakie kontrolery mu chodzi ?
drugie pytanie to czy na pewno moge spokojnie odinstalować te dwa programy na koncu ?
nie chce mnie puścić dalej w reinstalacji systemu. Prosze o pomoc.
Notatka została dodana 29.11.2014 13:56. Ostatnia edycja dokonana 29.11.2014 13:56 przez LadyInBlue:

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29.11.2014 10:03

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Wiadomości w tym wątku
Zwraca reinstalacje - Kama-lipton - 29.11.2014 10:03
RE: Zwraca reinstalacje - irocket - 29.11.2014, 11:12
RE: Zwraca reinstalacje - thermalfake - 29.11.2014, 14:32
RE: Zwraca reinstalacje - Kama-lipton - 01.12.2014, 21:27
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