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[Rozwiązany] Instalacja Windows 7 RC - problem z nąpędem DVD (rozwiązany)

Administrator techniczny

Liczba postów: 1.006
Post: #5

RE: Instalacja Windows 7 RC- problem

Chyba znalazłem rozwiązanie problemu:

Cytat:I have the solution to this problem. It should work for everybody, hopefully. You've probably read about this before but most likely implemented it wrong like I did. This will only work for those who use IDE optical drive(s).

The solution?
Set your optical DVD drives' jumper to the "Slave" setting. Make sure this optical drive is connected to the master connector of your IDE cable. This connector is located at the very end of the IDE cable.

The link below is a perfect example for an IDE optical drive setup:

Look at the IDE cable and note that the connector at the very top is "Master"
The connector just below that is "Slave" and the connector at the very bottom is plugged to your motherboard.

So the solution here is to do what we're not supposed to do. Take your IDE cables master connector and plug it into your "Slave" optical drive.. If you have a second IDE optical drive connected to the same IDE cable on the "Slave connector, unplug the power to it only. There's no need to unplug the "Slave" IDE connector. Now you should be able to install Vista with no problems whatsoever.

After your installation of Vista is complete, remember to put your optical drives jumper back to "Master" setting so that your Master optical drive is connnected to your Master IDE connector. Also, plug back the power to your second optical drive, if you have one.

All done...
Good luck. This method worked perfectly for me.
cytat ze strony http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Foru...ec2b0bd2ae

Rozwiązanie dotyczy dwóch napędów, ale też możesz spróbować poprzepinać kable. Masz SATA czy PATA (IDE)? Jak masz podłączone?

22.06.2009 14:39

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RE: Instalacja Windows 7 RC- problem - Admin - 22.06.2009 14:39
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