Witam wszystkich użytkowników i przepraszam jeśli wątek jest w nie odpowiednym dziale, mam dosyć popularny chyba problem mianowicie mój system nie może zmierzyć wydajności systemu Windows ponieważ nie potrafi zmierzyć video. Dużo czytałem na forum, ale nic z tego mi nie pomaga
Tutaj wklejam
C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsatt :
194236 (3580) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815: --- START 2012\11\1 08: 45: 45 ---
194252 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301: Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -cancelevent e0ad85e4-30c5-4edf-ae1e-961f6d078960
194283 (3580) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095: ERROR: tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
194938 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474: > IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE.
194985 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585: Watch dog system enabled
194985 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 4600: Main watch dog timer set to 600.0 seconds
195609 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2490: > DWM Running.
195921 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2497: > turning off DWM.
195937 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2470: > EMD service will be restored on exit.
196296 (3580) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983: > Read the active power scheme as '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
196296 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793: > power policy saved.
196795 (3580) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015: > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
196826 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814: > power policy set to maximum.
197824 (3580) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763: ERROR: pahse enter/leave imballance
197871 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948: > IsOfficial=TRUE IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE RanOverTs=FALSE RanOnbatteries=FALSE
197871 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment features
198121 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
213128 (3580) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018: > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 4455790
213128 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037: > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
213128 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
221318 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
229773 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
237558 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
245514 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
253376 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
261020 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
268742 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
276340 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname GeomF4 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 150;200;241 -batchcnt C(50);C(200);C(300) -objs C(12);C(26);C(45) -noalpha -geomf4shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
286261 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname GeomV8 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75;100;120 -batchcnt C(25);C(100);C(150) -objs C(8);C(17);C(29) -noalpha -geomv8shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
295871 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname CBuffer -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75 -batchcnt C(25) -objs C(8) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1) -cbuffershader -cbufa 2 -cbuff 5 -cbufp 6
303297 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mfmedia -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.wmv -nopmp
306744 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_MPEG2_HD_15mbps.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
307945 (3580) - common\testoutputstreams.h: 0072: ERROR: Could not find a codec to decode this file.
307945 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_VC1_15mbps.wmv -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
315574 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480i_5sec_6mbps_new.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
316557 (3580) - common\testoutputstreams.h: 0072: ERROR: Could not find a codec to decode this file.
316557 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480p_5sec_6mbps_new.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
317789 (3580) - common\testoutputstreams.h: 0072: ERROR: Could not find a codec to decode this file.
317789 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_10mbps_h264.mp4 -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
318959 (3580) - common\testoutputstreams.h: 0072: ERROR: Win32 exception thrown: mfplayer.cpp @ 408 (Media Foundation: resolving topology): m_pMediaSession->SetTopology() failed (code 0x8007007e)
318959 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2056: > mediaex Assessment FAILED due to an error
318959 (3580) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018: > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 4455790
318959 (3580) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1253: Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
318959 (3580) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1265: Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
318975 (3580) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480: > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
319084 (3580) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015: > Set the active power scheme to 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
319100 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2855: > Power state restored.
319100 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2870: > Successfully reenabled EMD.
319568 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 2896: > Composition restarted
319583 (3580) - winsat\watchdog.cpp: 0311: Watch dog system shutdown
319583 (3580) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909: > exit value = 1.
1701892 (5324) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815: --- START 2012\11\1 09: 10: 52 ---
1701892 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301: Command Line = winsat formal -reset clean
1701892 (5324) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095: ERROR: tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
1702111 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474: > IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE.
1702142 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585: Watch dog system enabled
1702142 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 4600: Main watch dog timer set to 600.0 seconds
1703062 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2490: > DWM Running.
1703374 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2497: > turning off DWM.
1703530 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2470: > EMD service will be restored on exit.
1704139 (5324) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983: > Read the active power scheme as '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
1704139 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793: > power policy saved.
1704435 (5324) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015: > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
1704435 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814: > power policy set to maximum.
1705309 (5324) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763: ERROR: pahse enter/leave imballance
1705356 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948: > IsOfficial=TRUE IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE RanOverTs=FALSE RanOnbatteries=FALSE
1705356 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment features
1705590 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
1719287 (5324) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018: > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 4605690
1719287 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037: > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
1719287 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1726353 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1733358 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1740690 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1748365 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1755385 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1762343 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1769862 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1777272 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname GeomF4 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 150;200;241 -batchcnt C(50);C(200);C(300) -objs C(12);C(26);C(45) -noalpha -geomf4shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1787007 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname GeomV8 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75;100;120 -batchcnt C(25);C(100);C(150) -objs C(8);C(17);C(29) -noalpha -geomv8shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1796429 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname CBuffer -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75 -batchcnt C(25) -objs C(8) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1) -cbuffershader -cbufa 2 -cbuff 5 -cbufp 6
1803231 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mfmedia -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.wmv -nopmp
1805836 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_MPEG2_HD_15mbps.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
1806928 (5324) - common\testoutputstreams.h: 0072: ERROR: Could not find a codec to decode this file.
1806928 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_VC1_15mbps.wmv -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
1814182 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480i_5sec_6mbps_new.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
1815336 (5324) - common\testoutputstreams.h: 0072: ERROR: Could not find a codec to decode this file.
1815352 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480p_5sec_6mbps_new.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
1816413 (5324) - common\testoutputstreams.h: 0072: ERROR: Could not find a codec to decode this file.
1816413 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775: > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_10mbps_h264.mp4 -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
1817333 (5324) - common\testoutputstreams.h: 0072: ERROR: Win32 exception thrown: mfplayer.cpp @ 408 (Media Foundation: resolving topology): m_pMediaSession->SetTopology() failed (code 0x8007007e)
1817333 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2056: > mediaex Assessment FAILED due to an error
1817349 (5324) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018: > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 4605690
1817349 (5324) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1253: Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
1817349 (5324) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1265: Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
1817349 (5324) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480: > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
1817442 (5324) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015: > Set the active power scheme to 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
1817442 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2855: > Power state restored.
1817442 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2870: > Successfully reenabled EMD.
1817645 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 2896: > Composition restarted
1817645 (5324) - winsat\watchdog.cpp: 0311: Watch dog system shutdown
1817645 (5324) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909: > exit value = 1.
Notatka została dodana 01.11.2012 19:33
. Ostatnia edycja dokonana 01.11.2012 19:33
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