Wątek zamknięty

[Rozwiązany] Restart komputera podczas uruchamiania systemu (rozwiązany)

Liczba postów: 4
Post: #1

Restart komputera podczas uruchamiania systemu (rozwiązany)

Od zainstalowania systemu za każdym razem podczas ładowania Windowsa (na ekranie z logo Windowsa) komputer się resetuje i uruchamia ponownie a potem chodzi już normalnie. Jest to uciążliwe bo muszę siedzieć przy kompie aby za każdym razem nie wchodził w narzędzie naprawiania systemu bo to i tak nic nie daje.

Prosiłbym o jakąkolwiek pomoc, bo nic o tym nie wiem, nie mam bladego pojęcia co tutaj do czego się odnosi i nie chce mi się jakoś za bardzo tego "Studiować" aby sobie samemu z tym poradzić. Mam nadzieję że pomożecie.
Bugcheck Analysis z WinDbg:

Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 124, {0, fffffa8004d35038, 0, 0}

***** Kernel symbols are WRONG. Please fix symbols to do analysis.

***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_HEADER                  ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_HEADER                  ***
***                                                                   ***
Unable to load image PSHED.dll, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING:  Unable to verify timestamp for PSHED.dll
*** ERROR:  Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for PSHED.dll
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  pshed!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_HEADER                ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  pshed!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_SECTION_DESCRIPTOR                ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  pshed!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_HEADER                ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  pshed!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_HEADER                ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  pshed!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_HEADER                ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_KPRCB                                     ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_KPRCB                                     ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Your debugger is not using the correct symbols                 ***
***                                                                   ***
***    In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path   ***
***    must point to .pdb files that have full type information.      ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not      ***
***    contain the required information.  Contact the group that      ***
***    provided you with these symbols if you need this command to    ***
***    work.                                                          ***
***                                                                   ***
***    Type referenced:  nt!_KPRCB                                     ***
***                                                                   ***
Probably caused by :  hardware

Followup:  MachineOwner

14.09.2010 19:36

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Liczba postów: 2.364
Post: #2

RE: Restart komputera podczas uruchamiania systemu

Wg Twojego raportu masz problem techniczny. Czyli musisz sprawdzić czy nie masz uszkodznej płyty a raczej jakichś tam podzsepołów (tutaj musisz popatrzeć po dobrym światłem czy coś nie jest spuchnięte). Dwa być może masz coś zabrudzone i wystarczy wyczyścić podzespoły z kurzu itd. Jeżeli wygląda na ok sprawdź dysk za pomocą programu HD Tune a bardziej wskazałbym HDD Regenerator, ale możesz użyć pierwszego. Po czym sprawdź ram za pomocą programu Memtest. Obie rzeczy możesz też sparwdzić za pomoca programu BurnInTest Pro i on sprawdza w teście na pełnych obrotach Twojego sprzętu o powinien pokazać co jest nie tak. Jak nadal masz pytania wal jak w dym, ale musisz sprawdzić sprzętCwaniak

Jeżeli uważasz, że pomogłem kliknij POMÓGŁ. Pzdr :)

14.09.2010 23:24

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Liczba postów: 4
Post: #3

RE: Restart komputera podczas uruchamiania systemu

No to jest jeszcze większy problem, no bo płyta tak naprawdę to ma niecałe 2 miesiące, ale i tak sprawdziłem. Nie ma wybrzuszeń, kondensatory w należytym porządku. A komputer przeleciałem BurnInTest Pro i nie znalazł problemów za wyjątkiem z DVD i dyskiem optycznym. W DVD nie było płycie a do daemona nie wrzucałem obrazu. Więc nie mam pijęcia z czym to moze być problem. Może to jednak wina DVD, bo to jedyne urządzenie na ATA w tym kompie. Może w biosie wyłącze DVD, albo wypnę z komputera i zobaczę czy to coś zmieni. A tak to dalej trzeba myśleć co by tutaj zrobić.

15.09.2010 14:10

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Liczba postów: 4
Post: #4

RE: Restart komputera podczas uruchamiania systemu

Sory że post pod postem, ale to jakby inny wątek. Pobawiłem się trochę WinDbg po tym komunikacie i teraz mam komunikat '124' który jest bardzo popularny wśród użytkowników Win7. Wszystkie części hardware został sprawdzone na maxymalnych obrotach itp i nic nie pokazuje. Używałem BurnIt Test Pro, Memtest, CPU-Z, GPU-Z, Everesta, CHKDSK, SFC i wielu innych i zawsze to samo - 0 błędów. Słyszałem że to może być tzw "bug Windowsa", tyle że jak to poprawić już nie znalazłem odpowiedzi. Planuję robić formata kompa i wtedy się dowiem czy to nie jest coś skopane teraz czy to tak już było. Jak ktoś coś jeszcze wykmini ciekawego niech pisze, a postaram się sprawdzić.

Tutaj daję Bugcheck Analysis z tego nowego błędu. (aa i jakby co przy uruchamianiu nadal jest ten sam błąd co go opisałem w 1 poście, ale po przjściu przez windbg powstaje to co dam teraz):
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 124, {0, fffffa8004d4e8f8, 0, 0}

Probably caused by :  hardware

Followup:  MachineOwner

1:  kd> !analyze -v
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

A fatal hardware error has occurred. Parameter 1 identifies the type of error
source that reported the error. Parameter 2 holds the address of the
WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure that describes the error conditon.
Arg1:  0000000000000000, Machine Check Exception
Arg2:  fffffa8004d4e8f8, Address of the WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure.
Arg3:  0000000000000000, High order 32-bits of the MCi_STATUS value.
Arg4:  0000000000000000, Low order 32-bits of the MCi_STATUS value.

Debugging Details:

BUGCHECK_STR:   0x124_AuthenticAMD





fffff880`03dc46f0 fffff800`02ccfa89 :  fffffa80`04d4e8d0 fffffa80`03a13680 00000000`00000008 00000000`00000001 :  nt!WheapCreateLiveTriageDump+0x6c
fffff880`03dc4c10 fffff800`02bb1667 :  fffffa80`04d4e8d0 fffff800`02c2a5f8 fffffa80`03a13680 00000003`00000005 :  nt!WheapCreateTriageDumpFromPreviousSession+0x49
fffff880`03dc4c40 fffff800`02b19c45 :  fffff800`02c8c360 fffffa80`04a14828 fffffa80`04a14820 fffffa80`03a13680 :  nt!WheapProcessWorkQueueItem+0x57
fffff880`03dc4c80 fffff800`02a92961 :  fffff880`00d98e00 fffff800`02b19c20 fffffa80`03a13680 00000000`00000000 :  nt!WheapWorkQueueWorkerRoutine+0x25
fffff880`03dc4cb0 fffff800`02d29c06 :  00000560`00000000 fffffa80`03a13680 00000000`00000080 fffffa80`039ff740 :  nt!ExpWorkerThread+0x111
fffff880`03dc4d40 fffff800`02a63c26 :  fffff880`03b64180 fffffa80`03a13680 fffff880`03b6efc0 00000560`00000000 :  nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x5a
fffff880`03dc4d80 00000000`00000000 :  fffff880`03dc5000 fffff880`03dbf000 fffff880`049e3590 00000000`00000000 :  nt!KxStartSystemThread+0x16


FOLLOWUP_NAME:   MachineOwner

MODULE_NAME:  hardware

IMAGE_NAME:   hardware




Followup:  MachineOwner

15.09.2010 19:50

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Liczba postów: 4.011
Post: #5

RE: Restart komputera podczas uruchamiania systemu

Zaktualizuj wszystkie sterowniki Drivermaxem.
b]Szukanie i aktualizacja sterowników oraz identyfikacja sprzętu (porada)[/b]

Z tego pliku wynika, że coś jest nie tak z Procesorem lub płytą główną. A to mogą być wadliwe sterowniki do chipsetu itp.

15.09.2010 22:00

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Liczba postów: 4
Post: #6

RE: Restart komputera podczas uruchamiania systemu

Dobra po dłuższych pracach nad tym stwierdzam że nic nie pomogło, sterowniki były aktualne po przejechaniu Drivermaxem, więc zrobiłem format i teraz wszystko śmiga jak nalezy. Temat do zamknięcia.

19.09.2010 16:21

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