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[Rozwiązany] Problem ze stronami po ponownym otwarciu przeglądarki Chrome

Liczba postów: 39
Post: #1

Problem ze stronami po ponownym otwarciu przeglądarki Chrome

Po każdym włączeniu przeglądarki kilka strony w chromie wygląda tak jak na screenie... Pomóżcie jak to naprawić bo wkurzające to jest jak nagle 1/3 stron jest zwężona nie wiadomo dlaczego?

Załączone pliki Miniatury

14.09.2012 11:27

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Post: #2

RE: Problem ze stronami po ponownym otwarciu przeglądarki

Na początek banały, typu reinstalacja Chrome, sprawdzenie na innych przeglądarkach, aktualizacja dodatków (Flash Player, Java, itd.).

[Obrazek: havensygn.jpg]

16.09.2012 00:33

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Ostatni Mohikanin

Liczba postów: 13.580
Post: #3

RE: Problem ze stronami po ponownym otwarciu przeglądarki


Cytat:Here's how to fix this problem (this worked for me, so I'm re-posting this):

This issue has gone WAY beyond ridiculous now. Such a simple, trivial, little bug that would take the developers 5 minutes to fix but yet has been a problem right from the get-go and continues to be a problem. It's an annoying enough problem to prevent adoption too - I held out until I found a fix because it's really annoying to have to resize my window each and every time. That the developers won't address such a simple problem that so many people are having and reporting is really disheartening, and doesn't speak well to the quality of their product.

That all said, I have figured out what is the cause of the problem, and a fix that actually works. For the record, I tried each and every suggestion posted here and none of them worked. What's causing the problem is in a file called "Local State" in your user profile folder. It is created when you exit chrome, and is a text file that contains info and settings that will be applied the next time you start chrome. It's supposed to ensure that Chrome returns to the same state next time you run it, but unfortunately it records the WRONG values for the window size parameters. Curiously enough, it records my total screen resolution CORRECTLY (1680 by 1050). What it records for the top and bottom position of the window, however, is 7 for the top and 1037 for the bottom. This SHOULD be recorded as 0 for the top and 1050 for the bottom. The left and right positions appear to save correctly.

So, what is the solution? Edit the file "Local State" and set your window size manually. Find the file in \%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data and edit it with notepad. The settings for the window dimensions are at the bottom of the first set of braces. Enter the correct values you want here, and they should stick.

[Obrazek: 2089620800_1406976151.png]

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16.09.2012 22:29

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