Wątek zamknięty

igdpmd64.sys powoduje bluescreen

Liczba postów: 20
Post: #1

igdpmd64.sys powoduje bluescreen


Jestem szczęśliwym posiadaczem notebooka: Hp Pavilion dv6
System: Windows 7 Home Premium
Karta graf.: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 i [/u]UWAGA to jest jedyna katra graf.

Pewnego dnia wpadłem na pomysł aby sklasyfikować wydajność mojego komputera i oczywiście wszystko było jak należy aż nagle pojawił się BSoD Zakłopotany, którego, z tego co wyczytałem, spowodował niejaki plik o nazwie igdpmd64.sys (nie wiem do czego służy).

Jestem całkiem niedoświadczony w tych sprawach, także proszę o dokładne instrukcje.

Z góry dziękuję za każdą pomoc.

17.12.2011 19:45

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Ostatni Mohikanin

Liczba postów: 13.580
Post: #2

RE: igdpmd64.sys powoduje bluescreen

Podaj dokładny model HP'ka bo coś mi się zdaje, że karta ati jest dedykowana natomiast jest jeszcze zintegrowana intelowska z procesorem skoro otrzymujesz komunikat błędu z plikiem igdpmd64.sys.

- podać (wkleić w znaczniki code) zawartość pliku C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.log
- umieścić do pobrania spakowane pliki *.dmp z katalogu c:\windows\minidump

[Obrazek: 2089620800_1406976151.png]

W zamian za pomoc oczekuję poprawnej pisowni. Stop niechlujstwu.
Jak mądrze zadawać pytania? - przejrzyj poradnik na forum.
Nie udzielam porad via PW.

18.12.2011 13:53

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Liczba postów: 20
Post: #3

RE: igdpmd64.sys powoduje bluescreen

(18.12.2011 13:53)thermalfake napisał(a):  Podaj dokładny model HP'ka bo coś mi się zdaje, że karta ati jest dedykowana natomiast jest jeszcze zintegrowana intelowska z procesorem skoro otrzymujesz komunikat błędu z plikiem igdpmd64.sys.

- podać (wkleić w znaczniki code) zawartość pliku C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.log
- umieścić do pobrania spakowane pliki *.dmp z katalogu c:\Windows\minidump

Minidump: https://rapidshare.com/files/1347698519/...890-01.dmp

030201 (0844) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2009\7\13 22: 08: 30 PM ---
030232 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "D: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" moobe -cancelevent 849bd0b4-8fa1-4e71-8c56-8fdbbf2e34d1 -moobegoevent 27423f94-1309-49e2-9e93-e31a7cd77d2f
030232 (0844) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
030357 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE.
030420 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
030420 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 4592:  Main watch dog timer set to 60.0 seconds
030638 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 2505:  > DWM not running.
031746 (0844) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
031761 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
031886 (0844) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
031902 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
032307 (0844) - d3d\dx9misc.cpp: 1030:  HRESULT = 8876086a
032323 (0844) - d3d\dx9misc.cpp: 1030:  Error:  Unable to create the D3D device
032323 (0844) - d3d\dx9misc.cpp: 1030:  Error:  Unable to check the capabilities of the video card because a d3d device could not be created
032463 (0844) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
032463 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
032479 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
033009 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
033150 (0844) - d3d\graphicsop.cpp: 0263:  Driver is not WDDM; aborting assessment.
033446 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 0
033462 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037:  > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
033524 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 0
033540 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1274:  Limiting DWM Score to 1.0 - no DX9 capability
033540 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
033571 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
033680 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1274:  Limiting DWM Score to 1.0 - no DX9 capability
033696 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
033696 (0844) - common\winsatutilities.cpp: 1382:  cannot access the winast API registry key; 2 The system cannot find the file specified.
033789 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 2339:  > Finalized MOOBE key
033836 (0844) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
033836 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 2855:  > Power state restored.
033852 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 2873:  > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
033945 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 2899:  INFO:  DwmpRestartComposition() did not return OK!
033961 (0844) - winsat\watchdog.cpp: 0311:  Watch dog system shutdown
033977 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 0.

043243 (0792) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2009\9\6 18: 02: 11 PM ---
043321 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" moobe -cancelevent 06020a47-003d-4ebc-a764-cbba68df62c1 -moobegoevent e18dc920-afa2-4e44-b782-196981956aa0
043430 (0792) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
043586 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE.
043633 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
043633 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 4592:  Main watch dog timer set to 60.0 seconds
044429 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 2505:  > DWM not running.
049655 (0792) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as '59102f1f-c80d-4fc5-855f-a09316e6731d'
049655 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
049982 (0792) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
050029 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
051059 (0792) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
051059 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
051059 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
053196 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
066659 (0792) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 2144880
066659 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037:  > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
066768 (0792) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 2144880
066768 (0792) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1241:  Skipping Graphics video playback time limit check.
066768 (0792) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1253:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
066768 (0792) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1265:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
066768 (0792) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
066784 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
066986 (0792) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
066986 (0792) - common\winsatutilities.cpp: 1388:  The error count is zero becuase the TaskErrorCount value does not exist.
067064 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 2339:  > Finalized MOOBE key
067127 (0792) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 59102f1f-c80d-4fc5-855f-a09316e6731d'
067252 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 2855:  > Power state restored.
067252 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 2873:  > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
067298 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 2899:  INFO:  DwmpRestartComposition() did not return OK!
067314 (0792) - winsat\watchdog.cpp: 0311:  Watch dog system shutdown
067314 (0792) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 0.

1331406 (1276) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2010\2\25 19: 13: 59 ---
1331437 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = WinSAT.exe  prepop
1331437 (1276) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
1331858 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 2505:  > DWM not running.
1331858 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 2470:  > EMD service will be restored on exit.
1331874 (1276) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as '59102f1f-c80d-4fc5-855f-a09316e6731d'
1331874 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
1331905 (1276) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
1331905 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
1332934 (1276) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
1332934 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=FALSE  IsMoobe=FALSE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
1332934 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
1337864 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
1351951 (1276) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 5168080
1351951 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037:  > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
1351951 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1358394 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1364571 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1375788 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1388393 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1396567 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1403197 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1430185 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1458281 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomF4 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 150;200;241 -batchcnt C(50);C(200);C(300) -objs C(12);C(26);C(45) -noalpha -geomf4shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1467158 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomV8 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75;100;120 -batchcnt C(25);C(100);C(150) -objs C(8);C(17);C(29) -noalpha -geomv8shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1475457 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname CBuffer -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75 -batchcnt C(25) -objs C(8) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1) -cbuffershader -cbufa 2 -cbuff 5 -cbufp 6
1481759 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mfmedia -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.wmv -nopmp
1484536 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_MPEG2_HD_15mbps.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
1491525 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_VC1_15mbps.wmv -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
1497843 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480i_5sec_6mbps_new.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
1504255 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480p_5sec_6mbps_new.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
1510666 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_10mbps_h264.mp4 -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
1517047 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480_5sec_6mbps_h264.mp4 -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
1523302 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment media -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsatencode.wmv -encode C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.prx
1529839 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment moobego
1529839 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -encryption -up
1533068 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -compression -up
1543115 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -encryption2 -up
1546172 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -compression2 -up
1556265 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -encryption
1566452 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -compression
1576608 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -encryption2
1586764 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -compression2
1596951 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mem
1602145 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment disk -seq -read -n 0
1613892 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment disk -ran -read -n 0
1627418 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment disk -scen 2009 -drive C:
1689740 (1276) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 5168080
1689802 (1276) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 0962:  > Wrote cpu expression compression score to the registry 122
1689818 (1276) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1004:  Total physical mem available to the OS :  2,86 GB (3 076 374 528 bytes)
1689818 (1276) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1086:  Physical memory available to the OS is less than 3.0GB-64MB :  limit mem score to 5.5
1689818 (1276) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1253:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
1689818 (1276) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1265:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
1689818 (1276) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 590
1689818 (1276) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1498:  > Wrote random read disk score to the registry 1269
1689865 (1276) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 59102f1f-c80d-4fc5-855f-a09316e6731d'
1689880 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 2855:  > Power state restored.
1689880 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 2870:  > Successfully reenabled EMD.
1689880 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 2896:  > Composition restarted
1689896 (1276) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 0.

053414 (0292) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\2\25 08: 38: 53 ---
053492 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" moobe -cancelevent 2a69116a-592b-4598-b59f-a4b0789ef78e -moobegoevent da6cc9b9-ee62-489a-a1d0-1e156dd6d949
053539 (0292) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
053648 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE.
053695 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
053695 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 4592:  Main watch dog timer set to 60.0 seconds
055473 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
055614 (0292) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
055614 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
055988 (0292) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
055988 (0292) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 5168080
055988 (0292) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 0962:  > Wrote cpu expression compression score to the registry 122
055988 (0292) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1253:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
056004 (0292) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1265:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
056004 (0292) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 590
056004 (0292) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1498:  > Wrote random read disk score to the registry 1269
056004 (0292) - common\winsatutilities.cpp: 1388:  The error count is zero becuase the TaskErrorCount value does not exist.
056019 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 2339:  > Finalized MOOBE key
056019 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 2861:  > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
056019 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 2873:  > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
056051 (0292) - winsat\watchdog.cpp: 0311:  Watch dog system shutdown
056051 (0292) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 0.

030201 (0384) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\4\15 10: 42: 50 ---
030232 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" moobe -cancelevent 450b41fe-2437-4ae6-824b-127692d2c2b5 -moobegoevent 5eaa3e72-86c8-4681-86c6-e5c88186517a
030295 (0384) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
030295 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE.
030357 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
030357 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 4592:  Main watch dog timer set to 60.0 seconds
032604 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 2505:  > DWM not running.
035240 (0384) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
035240 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
035318 (0384) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
035318 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
035599 (0384) - d3d\dx9misc.cpp: 1030:  HRESULT = 8876086a
035599 (0384) - d3d\dx9misc.cpp: 1030:  B??d:  nie mo?na utworzy? urz?dzenia D3D.
035599 (0384) - d3d\dx9misc.cpp: 1030:  B??d:  nie mo?na sprawdzi? mo?liwo?ci karty wideo, poniewa? nie powiod?o si? utworzenie urz?dzenia d3d.
035615 (0384) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
035615 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
035615 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
035677 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
035973 (0384) - d3d\graphicsop.cpp: 0263:  Driver is not WDDM; aborting assessment.
036441 (0384) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 0
036441 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037:  > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
036551 (0384) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 0
036551 (0384) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1274:  Limiting DWM Score to 1.0 - no DX9 capability
036566 (0384) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
036566 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=TRUE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
036582 (0384) - winsat\datastore.cpp: 1042:  Unable to load datastore file:  C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\2011-04-15 DWM.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.xml.  The file is missing information necessary to determine what hardware was used to assess DWM.
036597 (0384) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1274:  Limiting DWM Score to 1.0 - no DX9 capability
036597 (0384) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
036597 (0384) - common\winsatutilities.cpp: 1388:  The error count is zero becuase the TaskErrorCount value does not exist.
036613 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 2339:  > Finalized MOOBE key
036644 (0384) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
036644 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 2855:  > Power state restored.
036644 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 2873:  > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
036691 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 2899:  INFO:  DwmpRestartComposition() did not return OK!
036722 (0384) - winsat\watchdog.cpp: 0311:  Watch dog system shutdown
036722 (0384) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 0.

440640 (0664) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\8\28 20: 10: 53 ---
440671 (0664) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -cancelevent 6f7530f1-faa5-476a-8653-b39b38415957
440671 (0664) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
440968 (0664) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
440968 (0664) - winsat\main.cpp: 4522:  ERROR:  can't run a formal assessment on batteries
440968 (0664) - winsat\main.cpp: 2861:  > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
440968 (0664) - winsat\main.cpp: 2873:  > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
440968 (0664) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 8.

463525 (3952) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\8\28 20: 11: 16 ---
463525 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -cancelevent 47ce557b-db50-482e-bbc6-719d34cc9fea
463525 (3952) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
463541 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
463588 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
463588 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 4600:  Main watch dog timer set to 600.0 seconds
469126 (3952) - winsat\datastore.cpp: 1042:  Unable to load datastore file:  C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\2011-04-15 DWM.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.xml.  The file is missing information necessary to determine what hardware was used to assess DWM.
469219 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 2490:  > DWM Running.
469485 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 2497:  > turning off DWM.
469485 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 2470:  > EMD service will be restored on exit.
469500 (3952) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
469500 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
469578 (3952) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
469578 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
470452 (3952) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
470452 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
470452 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
472683 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
482370 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 1948:  > Cancel received, waiting 10000ms for dwm to cancel
482370 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 1958:  > dwm assessment succesfully canceled.
482401 (3952) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
482464 (3952) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
482464 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 2855:  > Power state restored.
482464 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 2870:  > Successfully reenabled EMD.
482479 (3952) - winsat\watchdog.cpp: 0311:  Watch dog system shutdown
482479 (3952) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 3.

3551581 (3020) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\9\9 21: 38: 53 ---
3551924 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe formal -log -cancelevent 1d81fd9e-5e98-42c9-83b5-1f542a15178d
3552205 (3020) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
3552860 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
3552969 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
3552985 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 4600:  Main watch dog timer set to 600.0 seconds
3557103 (3020) - winsat\datastore.cpp: 1042:  Unable to load datastore file:  C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\2011-04-15 DWM.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.xml.  The file is missing information necessary to determine what hardware was used to assess DWM.
3557696 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 2490:  > DWM Running.
3558148 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 2497:  > turning off DWM.
3558258 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 2470:  > EMD service will be restored on exit.
3558928 (3020) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
3558975 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
3559646 (3020) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
3559740 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
3560644 (3020) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
3560754 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
3560847 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
3562938 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
3574794 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 1948:  > Cancel received, waiting 10000ms for dwm to cancel
3574794 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 1958:  > dwm assessment succesfully canceled.
3574825 (3020) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
3574856 (3020) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
3574856 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 2855:  > Power state restored.
3574856 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 2870:  > Successfully reenabled EMD.
3574903 (3020) - winsat\watchdog.cpp: 0311:  Watch dog system shutdown
3574903 (3020) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 3.

14902229 (6684) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\9\12 14: 55: 41 ---
14902245 (6684) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -cancelevent b7c6ad4f-466a-4bb5-844e-70b99d4dbaa9
14902245 (6684) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
14902323 (6684) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
14902323 (6684) - winsat\main.cpp: 4522:  ERROR:  can't run a formal assessment on batteries
14902323 (6684) - winsat\main.cpp: 2861:  > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
14902338 (6684) - winsat\main.cpp: 2873:  > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
14902338 (6684) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 8.

1340500 (5812) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\9\14 20: 54: 38 ---
1340516 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -cancelevent 3c9c52e5-45e1-4866-8298-234f5b244921
1340516 (5812) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
1340563 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
1340594 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
1340594 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 4600:  Main watch dog timer set to 600.0 seconds
1343917 (5812) - winsat\datastore.cpp: 1042:  Unable to load datastore file:  C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\2011-04-15 DWM.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.xml.  The file is missing information necessary to determine what hardware was used to assess DWM.
1344042 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 2490:  > DWM Running.
1344432 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 2497:  > turning off DWM.
1344447 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 2470:  > EMD service will be restored on exit.
1344494 (5812) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
1344510 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
1344588 (5812) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
1344588 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
1345415 (5812) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
1345430 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
1345430 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
1348191 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
1362481 (5812) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 9795170
1362481 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037:  > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
1362481 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1369922 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1377286 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1389157 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1402901 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1414242 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1423992 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1454007 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1484692 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomF4 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 150;200;241 -batchcnt C(50);C(200);C(300) -objs C(12);C(26);C(45) -noalpha -geomf4shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1495612 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomV8 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75;100;120 -batchcnt C(25);C(100);C(150) -objs C(8);C(17);C(29) -noalpha -geomv8shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1505706 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname CBuffer -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75 -batchcnt C(25) -objs C(8) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1) -cbuffershader -cbufa 2 -cbuff 5 -cbufp 6
1513240 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mfmedia -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.wmv -nopmp
1516797 (5812) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_MPEG2_HD_15mbps.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps

1677088 (6228) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\10\16 17: 41: 35 ---
1677119 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -cancelevent 8cd79872-0ee4-453b-9b55-05a264d52528
1677119 (6228) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
1677135 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
1677166 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
1677166 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 4600:  Main watch dog timer set to 600.0 seconds
1685590 (6228) - winsat\datastore.cpp: 1042:  Unable to load datastore file:  C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\2011-04-15 DWM.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.xml.  The file is missing information necessary to determine what hardware was used to assess DWM.
1685778 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 2490:  > DWM Running.
1686121 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 2497:  > turning off DWM.
1686121 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 2470:  > EMD service will be restored on exit.
1686152 (6228) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as 'a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a'
1686152 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
1686214 (6228) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
1686214 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
1687057 (6228) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
1687057 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
1687057 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
1689381 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
1702251 (6228) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 10553300
1702251 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037:  > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
1702251 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1709115 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1715839 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1727133 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1739348 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1749208 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1758271 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1785712 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1813433 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomF4 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 150;200;241 -batchcnt C(50);C(200);C(300) -objs C(12);C(26);C(45) -noalpha -geomf4shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1823651 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomV8 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75;100;120 -batchcnt C(25);C(100);C(150) -objs C(8);C(17);C(29) -noalpha -geomv8shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1834119 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname CBuffer -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75 -batchcnt C(25) -objs C(8) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1) -cbuffershader -cbufa 2 -cbuff 5 -cbufp 6
1841498 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mfmedia -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.wmv -nopmp
1844696 (6228) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_MPEG2_HD_15mbps.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps

521885 (5292) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\10\19 06: 31: 27 ---
521901 (5292) - winsat\main.cpp: 2861:  > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
521901 (5292) - winsat\main.cpp: 2873:  > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
521901 (5292) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 4.

613707 (5288) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\10\19 06: 32: 59 ---
613707 (5288) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\WinSAT.exe"  formal -restart clean
613707 (5288) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
613957 (5288) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
613957 (5288) - winsat\main.cpp: 4522:  ERROR:  can't run a formal assessment on batteries
613957 (5288) - winsat\main.cpp: 2861:  > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
613957 (5288) - winsat\main.cpp: 2873:  > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
613957 (5288) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 8.

638059 (1536) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\10\19 06: 33: 23 ---
638059 (1536) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\WinSAT.exe"  formal -log log.txt
638059 (1536) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
638106 (1536) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
638106 (1536) - winsat\main.cpp: 4522:  ERROR:  can't run a formal assessment on batteries
638106 (1536) - winsat\main.cpp: 2861:  > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
638106 (1536) - winsat\main.cpp: 2873:  > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
638106 (1536) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 8.

Dziękuję za zainteresowanie, mam nadzieję że pomożecie mi rozwiązać mój "problemik"
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 18.12.2011 20:05 przez Rafalque.)

18.12.2011 16:33

Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika
Ostatni Mohikanin

Liczba postów: 13.580
Post: #4

RE: igdpmd64.sys powoduje bluescreen

Nie cytujemy bezpośrednio poprzedniej wiadomości, tylko na wyrywkową odpowiedź fragmentów.
Prosiłem o umieszczenie logu do znaczników code (podobnie jak cytowanie quote) - popraw to bo ten post się bardzo rozjechał.

Przykład zastosowania znacznika, umieszczamy  znaczniki code ...... /code w kwadratowych nawiasach

Ostatni zapisany log dla oceny wydajności jest z dnia 2011\10\19 06:33:23 i była próba jego wykonania tylko na zasilaniu bateryjnym. Musi być zrobiona na zasilaczu, najwyżej baterię można na ten czas wyjąć.
Żeby pokazać co się dzieje w trakcie tego testu najlepiej wykonać całe testowanie od początku z czystym plikiem, zatem wpisz do konsoli (start -> cmd)

Cytat:winsat formal -restart clean

.. i jeszcze raz pokaż tenże plik.

Tak mniej więcej powinienien wyglądać ten plik

14694763 (3296) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\12\18 17: 17: 21 ---
14694779 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -restart clean
14694794 (3296) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
14695153 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
14695216 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
14695216 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 4600:  Main watch dog timer set to 600.0 seconds
14700161 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 2490:  > DWM Running.
14709100 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 2497:  > turning off DWM.
14709100 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 2470:  > EMD service will be restored on exit.
14709630 (3296) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as '8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
14709661 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
14711221 (3296) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
14711268 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
14712313 (3296) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
14712360 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
14712376 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
14713374 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
14728912 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 44289700
14728912 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037:  > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
14728912 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
14735417 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
14741720 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
14748350 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
14754995 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
14761688 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
14768068 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
14774558 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
14781079 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomF4 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 150;200;241 -batchcnt C(50);C(200);C(300) -objs C(12);C(26);C(45) -noalpha -geomf4shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
14790111 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomV8 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75;100;120 -batchcnt C(25);C(100);C(150) -objs C(8);C(17);C(29) -noalpha -geomv8shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
14798660 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname CBuffer -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75 -batchcnt C(25) -objs C(8) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1) -cbuffershader -cbufa 2 -cbuff 5 -cbufp 6
14804962 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mfmedia -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.wmv -nopmp
14807817 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_MPEG2_HD_15mbps.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
14815929 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_VC1_15mbps.wmv -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
14822668 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480i_5sec_6mbps_new.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
14830079 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480p_5sec_6mbps_new.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
14836849 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_10mbps_h264.mp4 -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax 150 -overrideframetype prog
14843588 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_480_5sec_6mbps_h264.mp4 -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps
14850187 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment media -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsatencode.wmv -encode C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.prx
14856708 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment moobego
14856708 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -encryption -up
14867066 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -compression -up
14877128 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -encryption2 -up
14887144 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -compression2 -up
14897206 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -encryption
14907377 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -compression
14917564 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -encryption2
14927766 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment cpu -compression2
14937922 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mem
14943070 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment disk -seq -read -n 0
14952305 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment disk -ran -read -n 0
14967874 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment disk -scen 2009 -drive C:
15051413 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 44289700
15051444 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 0962:  > Wrote cpu expression compression score to the registry 232
15051444 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1004:  Total physical mem available to the OS :  1,99 GB (2 145 902 592 bytes)
15051444 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1086:  Physical memory available to the OS is less than 3.0GB-64MB :  limit mem score to 5.5
15051444 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1253:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
15051460 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1265:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
15051460 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 540
15051460 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1498:  > Wrote random read disk score to the registry 1239
15051475 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4371:  The Disk Responsiveness Metric is being capped
15051538 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
15052193 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 44289700
15052224 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 0962:  > Wrote cpu expression compression score to the registry 232
15052224 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1004:  Total physical mem available to the OS :  1,99 GB (2 145 902 592 bytes)
15052224 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1086:  Physical memory available to the OS is less than 3.0GB-64MB :  limit mem score to 5.5
15052224 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1253:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
15052224 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1265:  Skipping StdDefPlayback limit check.
15052224 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1480:  > Wrote disk score to the registry 540
15052224 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 1498:  > Wrote random read disk score to the registry 1239
15052224 (3296) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4371:  The Disk Responsiveness Metric is being capped
15052614 (3296) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
15052614 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 2855:  > Power state restored.
15052614 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 2870:  > Successfully reenabled EMD.
15052786 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 2896:  > Composition restarted
15052801 (3296) - winsat\watchdog.cpp: 0311:  Watch dog system shutdown
15052801 (3296) - winsat\main.cpp: 4909:  > exit value = 0.

Minidumpy przejrzę później.

[Obrazek: 2089620800_1406976151.png]

W zamian za pomoc oczekuję poprawnej pisowni. Stop niechlujstwu.
Jak mądrze zadawać pytania? - przejrzyj poradnik na forum.
Nie udzielam porad via PW.
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 18.12.2011 17:28 przez thermalfake.)

18.12.2011 17:14

Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika
Liczba postów: 20
Post: #5

RE: igdpmd64.sys powoduje bluescreen

WinSAT najnowszy:

283375 (2680) - winsat\logging.cpp: 0815:  --- START 2011\12\18 20: 20: 16 ---
283375 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 4301:  Command Line = "C: \Windows\system32\WinSAT.exe"  formal -restart clean
283407 (2680) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp: 0095:  ERROR:  tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
283781 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 4474:  > IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE.
283812 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 4585:  Watch dog system enabled
283828 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 4600:  Main watch dog timer set to 600.0 seconds
289803 (2680) - winsat\datastore.cpp: 1042:  Unable to load datastore file:  C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\2011-04-15 DWM.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.xml.  The file is missing information necessary to determine what hardware was used to assess DWM.
289912 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 2490:  > DWM Running.
290271 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 2497:  > turning off DWM.
290271 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 2470:  > EMD service will be restored on exit.
290286 (2680) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 0983:  > Read the active power scheme as 'a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a'
290286 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 2793:  > power policy saved.
290380 (2680) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp: 1015:  > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
290395 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 2814:  > power policy set to maximum.
291222 (2680) - winsat\logging.cpp: 1763:  ERROR:  pahse enter/leave imballance
291222 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 0948:  > IsOfficial=TRUE  IsFormal=TRUE  IsMoobe=FALSE  RanOverTs=FALSE  RanOnbatteries=FALSE
291222 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment features
293359 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
306775 (2680) - winsat\processresults.cpp: 4018:  > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 10591300
306775 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 2037:  > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
306775 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
313686 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
320301 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
331408 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
343748 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
354137 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
363685 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
391858 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
420859 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomF4 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 150;200;241 -batchcnt C(50);C(200);C(300) -objs C(12);C(26);C(45) -noalpha -geomf4shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
431857 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname GeomV8 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75;100;120 -batchcnt C(25);C(100);C(150) -objs C(8);C(17);C(29) -noalpha -geomv8shader -texpobj C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
444665 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment d3d -dx10  -aname CBuffer -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75 -batchcnt C(25) -objs C(8) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1) -cbuffershader -cbufa 2 -cbuff 5 -cbufp 6
452683 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mfmedia -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\winsat.wmv -nopmp
455538 (2680) - winsat\main.cpp: 1775:  > Run Assessment mediaex -input C: \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\Clip_1080_5sec_MPEG2_HD_15mbps.mpg -dshow -video offscreen -audio mute -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 270 -expfrmmax 300 -overrideframetype int2fps

18.12.2011 20:40

Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika
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