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[Rozwiązany] How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router

Liczba postów: 3
Post: #1

How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router

I have 2 laptops with Windows 7 on them, one with 64bit Ultimate and another with 32bit starter. Both computers use internet over wireless router but I would like to establish computer network between them for sharing some folders. Both laptors use the same name of WORKGROUP (which default one) and I set file sharing on one laptop and I can see that folder with shared file on another laptop but when I try to open it I get error message saying "folder is not available. You might have no privilege to use shared files. Please contact with administrator......Login error. User account is probably limited. Possible solutions: forbidden empty passwords, limited login hours or maybe breaching the rules"

Has anyone idea how to do that? Maybe router has wrong setting or maybe there is conflict with with Anti-virious program, I use free version of AVG in both laptops, or maybe there is conflict with firewall either in router or in Windows themselves.

I would be very grateful and I will appreciate it so much for any help. Thank you in advance.

13.09.2014 11:21

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Liczba postów: 2.337
Post: #2

RE: How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router

Hi, welcome on Polish forum Cwaniak First check network location on both computers, should be choosen Home network or Work network:
RE: How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router
Second check permissions for shared folder in \\Computer-name\Folder-name -> Properties -> Sharing -> Advanced sharing -> Permissions. It should be here Everyone with market at least Read permission.
RE: How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router
Third go to Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center, click Advanced sharing settings on left, expand Home or work, mark:
- turn on network discovery
- turn on file and printer sharing
- turn on sharing so (...)
- enable sharing for devices that use 40- or 56-bit encryption
- turn off password protected sharing
- allow Windows to manage homegroup connections (recomended)
Try if it works.

13.09.2014 12:43

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Liczba postów: 3
Post: #3

RE: How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router

I have tried with 3rd laptop which has Windows XP and I can open shared folder on it. I do it from laptop with Windows 7 Ultimate so maybe problems lies in the laptop which has Windows 7 starter?

13.09.2014 14:46

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Liczba postów: 2.337
Post: #4

RE: How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router

Can you check if you can access files in computers in these directions: Ultimate -> XP, Starter -> XP, XP -> Ultimate, XP -> Starter? Take screenshot of Network (where you can see all computers) from laptop with Ultimate, then get into this PC (or \\Ultimate-PC-Name\ ) and take a screenshot. Make a test directory on Desktop, make or copy some file into it and share this folder: Properties -> Sharing -> Advanced sharing -> mark Share this folder -> Permissions -> mark Read, Write and Full Control to Allow. Accept all windows and check if is it folder visible from XP and Starter.
Do the same on computer with 7 Starter (make and share folder) and check from XP and Ultimate. Write what has gone succeed and what hasn't.
If you don't understand something by my English, write about it too Cwaniak

13.09.2014 15:30

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Liczba postów: 19
Post: #5

RE: How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router

Any chance you could share with us your win7 advanced sharing settings ? Did you set password on both machines? Basically, what you're trying to achieve is a simple p2p network in windows workgroup . Just for now, create exactly the same account name and passwords on both laptops and see if that works.

13.09.2014 15:57

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Liczba postów: 3
Post: #6

RE: How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router

Before I read your posts I had done it already. Problem lied in passwords that should be set in both laptops with Windows 7 and accepting there home network. After setting the same password in both computer the shared folders have been seen by other computer. I thought I did not use the passwords if I did not set them before. And I know we must do that if we establish network between computer with Windows 7.
Thank you anyway for your help.

A propos, nie wiem, dlaczego ja piszę po angielsku, gdyż początkowo myślalem, że to jest to forum anglo-języczne, ale potem ktoś przywitał mi mowiąc że jestem na forum polskim, a ja dalej pisałem po angielsku, nie wiem po co.
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 13.09.2014 16:51 przez richardm55.)

13.09.2014 16:48

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Senior Moderator

Liczba postów: 2.337
Post: #7

RE: How to set network of 2 laptops with Windows 7 over wireless router

A ja się tak głowiłem, żeby to poprawnie napisać w miarę Zadowolony Czyli działa? Do zamknięcia, czy jeszcze potrzebujesz pomocy w tym temacie?

13.09.2014 17:42

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