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Error 1935 podczas instalacji Corel Paint Shop Pro

Liczba postów: 1
Post: #1

Error 1935 podczas instalacji Corel Paint Shop Pro


Podczas instalowania zestawu Corel Paint Shop PrO X3 i X4 występuje komunikat :
Error1935. Wystąpił błąd podczas instalowaniu zestawu Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP,

Proszę o pomoc.

02.01.2013 16:12

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Liczba postów: 13.580
Post: #2

RE: error 1935

Baza wiedzy Corela

Cytat:We have heard from some users reporting getting a 1935 error when installing Paint Shop Pro X and Corel Photo Album 6.
This has been related to anti-spyware software on the systems conflicting with the Windows installer service (MSI) when trying to install the software.

Users have been successful at installing the software by following the procedures outlined on the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article.


NOTE: Although this article refers to installing other products, the same information is true for any software using the MSI installer. Also, while many software products are mentioned, there may be other products not listed that may also affect the install. If you have any other products (or anti-spyware products) not listed, try using the procedure outlined in the knowledge base article with your software.


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02.01.2013 16:34

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